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Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is a common blinding ophthalmic dis-ease that has always received significant attention in clinical treatment. The foldable capsular buckle (FCB), as a new method for extraocular treatment of RRD, offers "Five Noes" advantages over traditional treatments such as scleral buckling (SB), pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), and pneumatic retinopexy (PR) - no retrobulbar anes-thesia, no muscle traction, no scleral fluid release, no intraoperative positioning, and no cryotherapy. This effectively reduces postoperative complications in RRD pa-tients and shortens the operation time. This article reviews the development history, therapeutic principles, indication selection, application process, and therapeutic ad-vantages of the foldable capsular buckle, which is comprehensive and innovative.