David P Pi?ero. Department of Optics, Pharmacology and Anatomy, University of Alicante, Crta San Vicente del Raspeig s/n, San Vicente del Raspeig 03690, Alicante, Spain. david.pinyero@ua.es; Laurent Bataille. Vissum Innovation, C/Caba?al, 1, Alicante 03016, Spain. lbataille@vissum.com
Supported by the Project UAIND18-06B of the University of Alicante within the program “Ayudas destinadas a la formación predoctoral en colaboración con empresas 2018” supported by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento. Pi?ero DP has been also supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain within the program Ramón y Cajal, RYC-2016-20471.
Laurent Bataille, David P Pinero. Characterization of the geometric properties of the sclero-conjunctival structure: a review. Int J Ophthalmol, 2020,13(9):1484-1492