Editors-in-Chief: Yan-Nian Hui and Peter Wiedemann
Established in April, 2008
ISSN 2222-3959 print
ISSN 2227-4898 online
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B. Brief Introduction on IJO Press
International Journal of Ophthalmology Press (IJO Press) is the only ophthalmological professional journal publisher in the world. It was founded by an eminent ophthalmologist—Prof. Xiu-Wen Hu in 2003, Xi’an, China, and approved by the Chinese government. Now we are publishing three academic periodicals in Ophthalmology: IJO and IES.
1. International Journal of Ophthalmology—IJO (English edition, ISSN:2222-3959) is a global ophthalmological scientific publication indexed in SCIE, PubMed, PMC, CA, Scopus, EMBASE, IC etc., and also selected as 2019' The Highest International Impact Academic Journal of China. Its JCR IF in 2022 is 1.4, Five year Impact Factor is 1.8, CiteScore 2022 is 2.7, monthly.
2. International Eye Science—IES (Guoji Yanke Zazhi, ISSN:1672-5123) is a Chinese-English-mixed Ophthalmological publication indexed in Scopus, EMBASE, CA, IC, DOAJ, WPRIM of WHO, Chinese Core Journals, and China Core Periodical of Science and Technology. Its CST JCR IF in 2019 is 1.628, monthly.
IJO Press is the cooperative institution of ICO, AACO, APAO, AAO, COS, NLM and Clarivate etc. And it is also the teaching base of Xi’an Medical University and Xinxiang Medical University. IJO Press obtains guidance and support from ICO, AACO, APAO and others. Our authors, reviewers and readers are all over the world.
IJO Press
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Major members of scientific quality team
General Scientific Advisors
Prof. Peter Wiedemann (President of International Council of Ophthalmology-ICO),
Prof. Hugh Taylor (Immediate Past President of ICO),
Prof. Bruce Spivey (Past President of ICO),
and Prof. Daiming Fan (Academician and Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering).
Honorary Editors-in-Chief
Prof. Mark Tso (Ex-vice President of ICO), Prof. Le Zhen Wu, President of AACO,
Prof. Li-Xin Xie (Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering/Honorary President of Chinese Ophthalmological Society).
Chief Editor Prof. Xiu-Wen Hu (President of IJO Press).
Editors-in-Chief Prof. Yan-Nian Hui (Ex-Director, Eye Institute of the Whole Army, the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA).
and Prof. George Chiou (Founding chief editor of Journal of Ocular Pharmacology & Therapeutics).
Associate Editors
Prof. Ning-Li Wang (President of APAO), Prof. Ke Yao (President of Chinese Ophthalmological Society), Prof. Yu-Sheng Wang (Director, Eye Institute of Chinese PLA) and Prof. William Smiddy (Bascom Palmer Eye Institute) et al.
International Scientific Advisors
Prof. Clement C. Y. Tham (ICO Treasurer, CEO of APAO), Prof. Chi-Chao Chan (National Eye Institute, USA) and Prof. Richard L Abbott (Ex-President of AAO/PAAO) et al.
Major members of the management team
President/Chief Editor Prof. Xiu-Wen Hu (Owners of IJO Press, Xi’an, China).
Editors-in-Chief Prof. Yan-Nian Hui (Ex-Director, Eye Institute of the Whole Army, the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA, Xi’an, China)
Associate Editor-in Chief Prof. Yu-Sheng Wang (Director, Eye Institute of the Whole Army, the Fourth Military Medical University of Chinese PLA, Xi’an, China)
Managing Director Ms. Xinyue Hu (IJO Press, Xi’an, China)
Editorial Director Ms. Juan Peng (IES Editorial Office, Xi’an, China)
Ms. Yingna Wang (IJO Editorial Office)
Publication credentials
Prof. Xiu-Wen Hu, President/Chief Editor is the founder of three academic publications, International Journal of Ophthalmology (IJO), International Eye Science (IES/Guoji Yanke Zazhi) with rich experience in scholarly and life science publishing. IJO has been indexed in SCI-Expanded, PubMed, PubMed-Central, Chemical Abstracts, Scopus, EMBASE, DOAJ and selected as 2019' The Highest International Impact Academic Journal of China. Its IF in JCR 2019 is 1.33. IES (Guoji Yanke Zazhi) is a Chinese-English-mixed ophthalmological publication and has been indexed in Scopus, EMBASE, CA, IC, DOAJ, Chinese Core Journal and China Core Periodical of Science and Technology.
Prof. Yan-Nian Hui, Editor-in-Chief of IJO and IES is the Chief Editor of the national selection teaching material “Ophthalmology”, and the Associate Editors-in-Chief of the Medical Encyclopedia of China. He is also the ex Associate Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology (indexed in MEDLINE), and published more than 200 papers and 12 monographs with extensive experience in scholarly and life science publishing.
Editorial Policy
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All manuscripts are subjected to double blind peer-review and editorial approval before accepting for publication. All contributions will be sent to at least three or more independent reviewers, selected by the editors. Authors are welcome to suggest suitable independent reviewers and may also request that the journal excludes one or two individuals or laboratories, but the editor's decision on the choice of referees is final. Editors, authors and reviewers are required to keep confidential all details of the editorial and peer-review process on submitted manuscripts, the peer-review process is confidential and conducted anonymously. Outcomes of the review process include acceptance, acceptance with revisions but without re-review, revise and resubmit, or rejection. Results of the review process are normally available in 3 months of submission.
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Conflicts of Interest: Wang H, None; Barteselli G, None; Freeman WR, None; Lee SN, None; Chhablani J, None; El-Emam S, None; Cheng L, None.
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Citation Example
Citation: Bringmann A, Jochmann C, Unterlauft JD, Wiedemann R, Rehak M, Wiedemann P. Different modes of foveal regeneration after closure of full-thickness macular holes by (re)vitrectomy and autologous platelet concentrate. Int J Ophthalmol 2020;13(1):36-48,doi:10.18240/ ijo.2020.01.06
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Editors-in-Chief: Yan-Nian Hui and Peter Wiedemann
Established in April, 2008
ISSN 2222-3959 print
ISSN 2227-4898 online