目的:探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)后影响OrbscanⅡ中角膜后表面前凸量(后表面Diff值)的主要因素。方法:选取120例240眼近视患者眼行LASIK术,应用Orbscan-Ⅱ角膜地形图于术前和术后1,3,6,12mo分别检测术前和术后角膜后表面Diff值,统计分析影响术后Diff值的主要因素。结果:逐步回归方程分析,切削百分比和术前角膜后表面Diff值是术后各时期Diff值的影响因素,术前眼压也是影响术后1mo时Diff值的因素之一。结论:认为LASIK术前重视角膜后表面前凸量,并在保证手术效果的情况下控制切削百分比,同时在术后严密监测眼压,必要时降低患眼眼压,可以尽量避免术后角膜扩张、屈光回退等并发症的发生。
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AIM:To study the relevant factors of the forward shift of posterior corneal surface (Diff value) in myopia after excimer laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). METHODS:120 myopic patients (240 eyes) who underwent LASIK were included in this study. Posterior Diff value were obtained in Orbscan-Ⅱcorneal topography before and 1,3,6,12 months after the surgery. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess the factors that affect the posterior Diff value. RESULTS:Factors relevant to the forward shift of the posterior corneal surfaces were ablation percentage and preoperative posterior Diff value,and intraocular tension was also the factor at 1 month after the surgery.CONCLUSION:Preoperative posterior Diff value,and the ablation percentage must be controlled in the condition the effect of the surgery could be guaranteed. At the same time monitoring the intraocular tension after LASIK is also important,and if necessary,reduce it to avoid some complications after LASIK.