目的:与非球面AcrySof ReSTOR +4D人工晶状体比较,初步观察植入ReSTOR +3D和ReSTOR +4D人工晶状体眼的视功能,以评价非球面AcrySof ReSTOR +3D人工晶状体植入术后的效果。方法:全组36例40眼老年性白内障患者行白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶状体植入术,术后3mo检查患者的裸眼远、中(60cm)、近视力(40cm),最佳矫正远视力和中、近视力,对比敏感度,进行生活问卷。结果:两组术后的远视力,近视力均无统计学差异(P>0.05),植入非球面AcrySof ReSTOR +3D人工晶状体组平均中距离视力比植入非球面AcrySof ReSTOR +4D人工晶状体组有显著提高(P<0.01)。结论:非球面AcrySof ReSTOR +3D人工晶状体在远、中、近距离均能提供良好的视力,尤其是中距离视力比+4D有了显著改善,有极高的患者满意度和脱镜率。
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AIM:To evaluate functional outcomes after bilateral implantation of apodized diffractive aspheric acrylic intraocular lenses (IOLs) with a +3.0 or +4.0 diopter (D) addition (add) power. ·METHODS:Totally 36 patients 40 eyes with senile cataract underwent Phaco and AcrySof IQ ReSTOR IOL [an AcrySof IQ ReSTOR IOL with a +4.0D add power (+4.0D group,n=20) or an AcrySof IQ ReSTOR IOL with a +3.0D add power (+3.0D group,n=20)] implantation. At the postoperative month 3,visual acuity[distance,intermediate(60cm) and near vision(40cm)],contrast sensitivity,defocus testing,patient-reported outcomes,and safety measures were assessed. ·RESULTS:Of the 36 patients 40 eyes,20 were in the +3.0D group and 20 were in the +4.0D group. Binocular distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity was significantly better in the +3.0D group than that in the +4.0D group (P<0.01); there was no difference in binocular near or distance visual acuity. There were no statistically significant differences in visual disturbances between the 2 groups. ·CONCLUSION:Compared with the aspheric IOL AcrySof ReSTOR +4D,AcrySof ReSTOR +3D has better quality of distance,intermediate and near vision(especially in the intermediate vision),higher spectacle independence and satisfaction.