Abstract:To amblyopia prognosis in children, not only amblyopia will reocurr, but also accommodative myopia and true myopia may occur. It should arouse the attention of pediatric ophthalmology sector, the review also raises the prevention and treatment strategies. Amblyopia recurrence after healing should be divided into: basically cured amblyopia recurrence, amblyopia recurrence after recovery, off-glasses amblyopia recurrence. "The former rebounds before recovery" is not a recurrence of amblyopia. This classification is of practical value to prevention and treatment of amblyopia in children. In the treatment and monitoring of childrenˊs amblyopia, combined with childrenˊs vision, refractive and axial growth characteristics, indicators for children to take off glasses after recovery are: (1) binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity ≥1.0 for more than six months; (2) normal eye position amblyopia or strabismus amblyopia with residual strabismus degree <5°after cure; (3) hyperopic refractive error ≤+1.00 DS; (4) hyperopic astigmatism ≤+0.50 DC. Cured children with amblyopia must achieve the above four indicators to take off glasses.