目的:研究老年高血压患者白内障超声乳化术中脉压(pulse pressure,PP)变化情况,了解白内障手术的视网膜血管损伤风险。方法:前瞻性对照研究。选取白内障手术患者,根据有无高血压病分为老年高血压组(A组)38例38眼,和老年正常血压组(B组)20例20眼。测量以下时间点的PP值:入院时(PP1)、进入手术室术前(PP2)、超声乳化白内障时(PP3)、人工晶状体植入前(PP4)、手术结束时(PP5)。采用SPSS18.0分析数据。结果:各时间点PP依次为:A组(61.92±13.27,77.39±13.57,75.18±16.18,72.71±15.94,72.68±15.75)mmHg;B组(46.50±11.71,64.95±14.17,64.20±13.10,59.35±12.84,62.00±13.97)mmHg。 A组PP 均高于B组(P<005);各组PP2比PP1增大,差异均有统计学意义(P<005)。A组和B组PP2测量值增大幅度依次为15.47±14.13,18.45±13.75mmHg,差异无统计学意义(P>005),各组内PP2~5测量值两两比较,A组PP4,PP5均小于PP2,B组PP4小于PP2、PP3,差异有统计学意义(P<005);其余比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组PP随时间变化趋势差异无统计学意义(F=0.679,P>005)。结论:老年人合并高血压病是白内障手术的危险因素,白内障超声乳化术与视网膜损伤的关系有待进一步研究。
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AIM:To evaluate the retinal vascular system in senior hypertensives by pulse pressure (PP) in cataract surgeries. METHODS:Prospective and case control study. Fifty-eight patients (58 eyes) who were scheduled for uniocular phacoemulsification and intraocular lens(IOL) implantation were settled to either group A (hypertensive) or group B (normotensive). PP measurements were recorded on the day they were hospitalized as baseline (PP1), just before surgeries started (PP2), during phcaoemulsification (PP3), before IOL implanted (PP4), and at the endpoint of the surgeries (PP5). Data were analyzed by statistical software SPSS 18.0.RESULTS: PP1-5 measurements were as follows respectively, 61.92±13.27, 77.39±13.57, 75.18±16.18, 7271±15.94, 72.68±15.75mmHg in group A; and 46.50±11.71, 64.95±14.17, 64.20±13.10, 59.35±12.84, 62.00±1397mmHg in group B. There was significant statistical difference in PP measurements between groups (P>0.05). The increases in PP2 measurements were 15.47±14.13 and 18.45±13.75mmHg, respectively. And no significant statistical difference was found in the increase of PP2 measurements (P>0.05). No significant statistical differencewas found in the main effects within groups (F=0.679, P>0.05).CONCLUSION:The high level of PP has important roles in organ damage to senior hypertensives in cataract surgery. And further study may be needed to establish the effect of the transient instability of PP on visual function.