结果:试验组球镜为1.59±0.61D,对照组为3.15±0.72D,两者有显著统计学差异(t=-82.89, P<0.01),且具有相关性(r=0.87,P<0.01)。试验组散光为-0.62±0.51D,对照组为-0.48±0.55D,两者有显著统计学差异(t=-6.97,P<0.01),且具有显著相关性(r=0.76,P<0.01)。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the accuracy of HAR-800 hand-held autorefractor on preschool children.
METHODS:Totally 173 preschool children were included in this study. They were performed HAR-800 hand-held autorefractor examination before using atropine ointments for cycloplegic refraction. The results from HAR-800 refractor were set as experimental group, and the cycloplegic refraction were controlled group. The refractions between the two groups were compared and analyzed.
RESULTS: The sphere was 1.59±0.61D in the experimental group, while 3.15±0.72D in the controlled group. The difference was significant(t=-82.89, P<0.001), however, there was a significant correlation(r=0.87, P<0.001, Pearsons correlation analysis). The cylinder difference was also significant(t=-6.97,P<0.001)and a significant correlation also existed between the two groups(r=0.76,P<0.001, Pearsons correlation analysis).
CONCLUSION: The HAR-800 hand-held autorefractor can not replace cyclopegic refraction using atropine, but the results can reflect the preschool children refraction.
上海市卫生局课题基金项目(No.2008-161); 上海市静安区十百千学科带头人基金项目(No.2010020103)