结果:儿童年龄范围为3~15(平均7.96±3.09)岁。双眼屈光不正性弱视为最常见类型(35.8%),其余依次为斜视性弱视(31.9%),屈光参差性为23.0%,混合性弱视为9.3%。双眼屈光不正性弱视的平均最终视力(0.295±0.25)比其他类型的要好(logMAR视力检测,P = 0.001)。最终视力与就诊年龄、屈光不正的类型和严重程度没有显著的相关性(P值分别为0.98,P=0.12),但是最终视力与就诊时初始视力有显著相关性(P=0.00)。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the pattern of amblyopia and factors responsible for treatment outcome in Nepalese children.
METHODS: It was a hospital based retrospective study. The medical records of 257 children registered from June 2009 to June 2011 with the diagnosis of amblyopia were reviewed retrospectively. Types of amblyopia studied were anisometropic, isoametropic, strabismic and the mixed amblyopia. Children with isoametropic amblyopia were treated with glass alone, strabismic amblyopia with patching of 6 hours a day, anisometropic and mixed amblyopes were given patching and optical correction both according to the need. The main outcome measure was the visual acuity at the end of treatment. The age at presentation, type of amblyopia, initial visual acuity, type and severity of refractive error, were the factors analyzed for their effect on final visual outcome.
RESULTS: The mean age of children was(7.96±3.093)years with the age range from 3 to 15 years. Isoametropic amblyopia was the most common type(35.8%), followed by the strabismic amblyopia(31.9%), anisometropic(23.0%)and the mixed type(9.3%). The mean final visual outcome was better in isoametropic amblyopia(LogMAR 0.295±0.25)than in other types(P=0.001). There was no significant correlation between the visual acuity outcome and the age at presentation(P=0.98), type and severity of refractive error(P=0.12). However the presenting visual acuity had a significant correlation with the final visual outcome(P=0.00).
CONCLUSION: Isoametropic amblyopia was the most common type of amblyopia and with the best visual outcome. The initial visual acuity was the most important factor determining success of amblyopia treatment.