方法:受检儿童3 211例使用目前我国通用的国际标准视力表检查视力。3岁及以上视力低于0.5,4~5岁低于0.6,6~7岁低于0.7或双眼视力相差两行以上者,通知到医院门诊复诊。
结果:受检儿童3 211例视力异常检出率为7.51%。视力异常眼的屈光状态以远视为主; 在屈光不正性弱视中,轻度弱视占比例最大,中度弱视次之,弱视患病率为6岁组3.68%,5岁组3.76%,4岁组7.93%,3岁组16.48%。各年龄组的视力随年龄增长而逐渐提高,各年龄组视力主要分布:3岁(0.5518±0.1910)、4岁(0.6444±0.1584)、5岁(0.6662±0.1544)、6岁(0.7601±0.1119)。视力异常率在3岁年龄组差异有统计学意义P<0.05,视力异常率在4~6岁年龄组差异无统计学意义,P>0.05。
[Key word]
AIM:To acquire the normal visual acuity values and the rate of amblyopia for each age through visual survey of the children accepting treatment at Xinzhou hospital.
METHODS: Children were asked to read the standard logarithmic visual acuity chart at the distance of 5m. Then, children under 3 years old whose visual degree were less than 0.5, the children of 4-5 years old whose visual degree were less than 0.6, the children of 6-7 years old whose visual degree were less than 0.7, or the visual gap was greater than 2 lines were asked to make a return visit at hospital outpatient.
RESULTS: The detection rate of vision disorders in 3 211 children was 7.51%. The refractive state of vision disorder was hyperopia; mild amblyopia accounted the largest percentage in the refractive amblyopia, followed by moderate amblyopia. The prevalence of amblyopia was 3.68% in 6-year-old group, 3.76% in 5-year-old group, 7.93 in 4-year-old group, 16.48% in 3-year-old group. As the growth of the age, the vision in each group also increased. The vision distribution in each group: 0.5518±0.1910 in 3-year-old group, 0.6444±0.1584 in 4-year-old group, 0.6662±0.1544 in 5-year-old group and 0.7601±0.1119 in 6-year-old group. The rate of vision disorders had statistical difference among the 3-year-old group(P<0.05), and no significant difference for the 4-6 years old group(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: The development of children's vision is a dynamic process. Therefore, age factor should be taken into account in amblyopia diagnosis.