目的:探讨可疑性原发性房角关闭(primary angle closure suspect,PACS)、原发性房角关闭(primary angle closure,PAC)及原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle-closure glaucoma, PACG)解剖结构的异同。
方法:采用国际区域性流行病学眼科学会(International Society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology,ISGEO)的分类系统,分为4组:正常对照组(47例47眼)、PACS组(157例157眼),PAC组(96例96眼)及PACG组(86例86眼)。应用NIDEK Echoscan US-1800型A型超声测量系统对被测者眼部解剖结构(前房深度、晶状体厚度、眼轴长度、晶状体相对位置)进行测量,各项均值进行组间差异比较。
结果:正常人、PACS和PAC与PACG的年龄、晶状体厚度依次增高(P<0.05),前房深度、晶状体相对位置依次递减(P<0.05); 与正常人相比,PACS和PAC与PACG除眼轴外其余的参数都有差异(P<0.05); 与PACG相比,正常人、PACS和PAC的解剖结构参数都存在差异(P<0.05); 但PAC与PACG两组相比,除前房深度、晶状体相对位置外,其余的各项解剖参数相比无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To discuss the anatomical structure of the patients with normal group, primary angle closure suspects(PACS), primary angle closure(PAC)and primary angle-closure glaucoma(PACG).
METHODS: All persons were divided into four groups according International Society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology(ISGEO)classification methods: normal group, PACS group, PAC group, PACG group. Anatomical structures including the anterior chamber depth(ACD), lens thickness(LT), the axial length(AL)and relative location of lens(RLL)were measured by a contact ultrasound A-scan biometry device(NIDEK, Echoscan US-1800)in 47 eyes of 47 normal persons, 157 eyes 157 of patients with PAC, 96 eyes of 96 patients with PAC and 86 eyes of 86 patients with PACG.
RESULTS: The age, LT were gradually increased from PACS, PAC to PACG, but the ACD, RLL gradually were decreased(P<0.05). There were significant differences in ACD, LT and RLL between normal group and other groups(P<0.05). ALL anatomical items were different between PACG and other groups(P<0.05). Compared with PAC, PACG had significant differences in ACD and ALL(P<0.05), but other items had no difference.
CONCLUSION: The anatomical characteristics gradually progress from PACS, PAC to PACG. The ACD, RLL can be an indicator in clinical practice for earlier PACG diagnosis.