结果:LASIK术前近视眼患者主导眼分布以右眼为主(67.2%); 术前主导眼眼别与最佳矫正视力眼别一致性好,两者符合率为81.1%; 235例近视患者LASIK术后主导眼眼别220例没有发生变化; 15例患者眼别发生调换,其中5例有15°左右外斜。
结论:主导眼分布以右眼为主,主导眼大多是患者最佳矫正视力眼; 主导眼视力下降或低于非主导眼和主导眼调换患者在术后早期对视觉舒适度产生影响,但晚期影响降低患者逐渐适应。
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AIM: To evaluate the distribution of myopic patients' ocular dominance before LASIK operation and the relationship of vision and visual function changes after LASIK operation.
METHODS:A total of 235 myopic patients(470 eyes)who were going to undergo myopic LASIK were included in this study. The ocular dominance was examined by card-hole method before LASIK operation and checked 1 month, 3, 6, 12 months after operation. The patients' best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA)before operation and the visual acuity after LASIK operation were compared with ocular dominance and non-ocular dominance, and then measured by the questionnaire of vision function.
RESULTS:The right ocular dominance was common in myopic patients, occupying 67.2%. There was good consistency between ocular dominance and BCVA eye, the coincidence was 81.1%. There were not any changes of ocular dominance in 220 cases, but 15 cases changed the ocular dominance, five of them were exotropias(>15°).
CONCLUSION: There are more right ocular dominance in myopic patients and most of them was best-corrected visual eye. The visual activity of ocular dominance's changing or exchanging ocular dominance had effects on euphoropsia in early postoperation but few effects finally.