方法:分析上海市静安区江宁街道7所托幼机构1 027名学龄前儿童屈光检查结果和弱视关系,屈光检查通过HAR-800手持自动验光仪获得。绘制受试者屈光异常和弱视间的工作曲线,计算自动验光仪筛查弱视的敏感性、特异性、准确性和一致性。
结果:其中44例儿童被确诊为弱视。屈光检查筛查弱视的ROC曲线图显示屈光参差、球镜、散光三个指标的ROC曲线下面积分别为0.92,0.89,0.21。屈光参差和球镜可以用作筛查弱视的指标。当屈光参差0.88D或远视在2.5D时作为弱视筛查的标准敏感性分别为77.3%,72.7%; 特异性分别99%,98.8%; 准确性分别为93.4%,93.3%; Kappa均大于0.4。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the value of HAR-800 hand held autorefractor for non-cycloplegic screening for amblyopia in preschool children.
METHODS: Totally 1 027 preschool children were enrolled into this study in Jiangning block, Jing-An district, Shanghai. The association between refractive finding with HAR-800 handheld autorefractor and amblyopia status was studied. The received operator curve was depicted to evaluate the value of the means for screening amblyopia. The sensitivity(Sn), specificity(Sp), accuracy and kappa were calculated.
RESULTS: All 44 children were diagnosed with amblyopia. The area under ROCs of anisometropia, spherical refractive error and astigmatism was 0.92, 0.89, 0.21 respectively. Anisometropia and spherical refractive error can be used to screen amblyopia. When anisometropia >0.88D or spherical refractive error >2.5D were set as the index of amblyopia, the Sn was 77.3% and 72.7%; Sp was 99% and 98.8%; accuracy was 93.4% and 93.3%, respectively. Kappas were all >0.4.
CONCLUSION: HAR-800 hand held autorefractor can be used to screen amblyopia in preschool children.
上海市卫生局课题(No.2008-161); 上海市静安区十百千学科带头人基金项目(No.2010020103); 上海市加强公共卫生体系建设三年行动计划项目(No.沪府办\〖2011\〗55号编15)