目的:调查1 091例深圳地区综合医院体检人群青光眼认知度的影响因素并分析不同因素对青光眼认知度的影响程度。
方法:采用自行设计的青光眼认知度调查问卷,选取北京大学深圳医院体检科检查的普通人群1 091例作为研究对象,以χ2检验及Logistic回归分析其对青光眼认知度及影响因素和影响程度进行研究分析。
结果:影响被调查人群青光眼认知情况的因素包括教育程度、月收入、是否有医保、医疗行业从业史及近视史(P<0.05); 而年龄、性别及全身疾病史对青光眼认知度影响无显著性差异(P>0.05); 用二元Logistic回归分析得出对青光眼认知度有显著影响的因素为医疗行业从业史和教育程度。
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AIM: To investigate the influencing factors related to the public awareness of glaucoma in 1 091 people in a health screening center of general hospital in Shenzhen.
METHODS: A total of 1 091 people were interviewed in the Health Screening Center of Peking University Shenzhen Hospital using a self-designed questionnaire. Chi-squared test and binary logistic regression were used to analyze the public awareness of glaucoma and the influencing factors and their extents.
RESULTS: Influencing factors of the awareness of glaucoma included level of education, monthly income, medical insurance, working experience in healthcare system and myopia(Chi-squared test, P<0.05). In contrast, we found no correlation between the awareness of glaucoma and age, gender and systemic disease(P>0.05). Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of the awareness of glaucoma and it was found that working experience in healthcare system and level of education had statistical significance(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: People who have working experience in the healthcare system, higher level of education, those who have medical insurance, higher monthly income and myopia have better recognition of the disease. Medical staffs should strengthened the glaucoma knowledge education for the public, especially for those who have lower monthly income, systemic disease, no medical insurance, and the people who have positive personal or family history of glaucoma.