目的:比较VisuMax飞秒激光角膜基质透镜切除术(small incision lenticule extraction,SMILE)与飞秒激光制瓣的准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(femtosecond laser assisted LASIK,FEMTO LASIK)治疗近视的临床效果。
方法:该研究纳入的近视及近视散光患者中,42例83眼接受了VisuMax飞秒激光SMILE手术,47例94眼接受了非球面切削的FEMTO LASIK。通过手术前及手术后1d; 1wk; 1,3mo的检查结果评价两种手术的安全性、有效性、预测性、稳定性及其不良事件。
结果:术后3mo,平均安全性指数SMILE组为1.10±0.16,FEMTO LASIK组为1.09±0.16; 平均有效性指数两组分别为1.10±0.16,1.08±0.12。术后3mo时等效球镜值在±1.00D范围内者两组分别为82眼(98.8%)和91眼(96.8%); ±0.50D范围内者两组分别为73眼(88.0%)和78眼(83.0%)。术后3mo时等效球镜分别为0.11±0.23,0.08±0.25D。两组均无明显并发症。
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AIM: To compare the postoperative visual outcomes of VisuMax small incision lenticule extraction(SMILE)and femtosecond laser assisted LASIK(FEMTO LASIK)for myopia.
METHODS:Eighty-tree eyes(42 patients)underwent VisuMax SMILE and 94 eyes(47 patients)received FEMTO LASIK to correct myopia were comprised. The safety, efficacy, predictability, stability and adverse events were assessed preoperatively and 1d, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months postoperatively.
RESULTS: At 3 months, the mean safety index was 1.10±0.16 in the SMILE group and 1.09±0.16 in the FEMTO LASIK group; the mean efficacy index was respectively 1.10±0.16 and 1.08±0.12; Spherical equivalent(SE)was respectively 0.11±0.23D and 0.08±0.25D within ±1.00D of the targeted SE correction in 82 eyes(98.8%)of the SMILE group and 91 eyes(96.8%)of the FEMTO LASIK group and SE within ±0.50D in 73 eyes(88.0%)of the SMILE group and 78 eyes(83.0%)of the FEMTO LASIK group. There were no significant complications in both groups.
CONCLUSION: SMILE and FEMTO LASIK have equal safety, efficacy, predictabilityand stability in the treatment of myopia.