方法:分别测量小切口非超声乳化白内障手术患者99例116眼的术前、术后3d; 1,2wk; 1,3,6mo; 1,2,3a的角膜水平曲率(horizontal corneal curvature, HCC)和垂直曲率值(vertical corneal curvature,VCC),求出HCC和VCC的术后相对于术前的差值。用统计软件对术后HCC差值和VCC差值进行统计分析。
结果:术后3d,VCC减少2.01D,HCC增大1.62D,两者之间有显著差异(P<0.001); 术后3mo内HCC和VCC差值均迅速减小,3mo时VCC差值-0.52D,HCC差值0.46D; 3mo后VCC和HCC差值均缓慢减少,6mo时VCC差值-0.29D,HCC差值0.29D,两者之间无显著差异(P=0.801); 术后3a,VCC仍较术前小(-0.26D),HCC较术前大(0.25D)。术后各时间点的角膜曲率差值进行配对t检验:术后3d至术后6mo的时间内,VCC和HCC均明显减小(P<0.001),术后6mo到3a之间VCC(P=0.284)和HCC(P =1.000)无明显改变。
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AIM: To investigate the changes of corneal curvature after non-phacoemulsification in small-incision cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation and discuss the essence of iatrogenic astigmatism.
METHODS: In this study, the horizontal corneal curvature(HCC)and vertical corneal curvature(VCC)of 99 patients(116 eyes)were documented before and after cataract surgery,with the postoperative follow-up of 3d; 1, 2wk; 1, 3, 6mo; 1, 2, 3a. The difference value of the HCC and the VCC between preoperation and postoperation were calculated and statistically analyzed.
RESULTS: The VCC was deceased by 2.01D, while the HCC was increased by 1.62D on the 3d after surgery; the difference value of the HCC and VCC were both decreased acutely in the 3mo postoperationly(the difference value of the VCC was -0.52D and HCC was 0.46D); the difference value of the HCC and VCC both were decreased mildly after 3mo of postoperation, There was no significant difference between the difference value of HCC(0.29D)and VCC(-0.29D)at 6mo(P=0.801); VCC was still smaller than that of preoperation(-0.26D), and HCC was larger than that of preoperation(0.25D)at the 3a. Paired t test was performed in these curvature differences, which both decreased apparently from 3d to 6mo after surgery(P<0.001), while they stayed still from 6mo to 3a postoperatively(VCC: P=0.284; HCC:P=1.000).
CONCLUSION: It remains astigmatism for a short time after small-incision cataract surgery and the treatment requires improvement so as to minimize the astigmatism as much as possible.