方法:取健康6~8wk Balb/c小鼠30只,随机分成正常对照组、光照组、α-倒捻子素组,每组10只。α-倒捻子素组小鼠每天接受α-倒捻子素30mg/(kg·d)灌胃7d,于灌胃给药第5d进行光损伤造模。对光照组和α-倒捻子素组小鼠采用5 000±200lx白色LED光连续照射1h。模型完成后72h记录各组小鼠闪光视网膜电图; 应用光镜观察各组小鼠视网膜形态学变化; 剥离视网膜,检测各组小鼠视网膜组织匀浆中丙二醛(MDA)含量。
[Key word]
AIM: To discuss the protective effect of α-mangostin on retinal light damage in mice.
METHODS: Totally 30 Balb/c mice, aged 6~8wk, were randomly divided into the control group, light-exposure group and α-mangostin group. Every group contained 10 mice. Mice of α-mangostin group were treated with alpha-mangostin at the dose of 30mg/(kg·d)body weight by intragastric administration daily for 7d, and then exposed to white light at the 5thd. The light-exposure group and α-mangostin group were exposed to 5 000±200lx white light-emmiting diodes(LEDs)for continuously 1h to establish the mice model of retinal light damage. Flash-electroretinograme was recorded 72h after light exposure. The changes in retinal morphology of mice were observed by light microscopy. Retinas were extracted to detect the malondialdhyde(MDA)content change of the retinal homogenate.
RESULTS: Flash-electroretinogram(F-ERG)showed that retinal dysfunction was less severe in α-mangostin group than in light-exposure group(P<0.05). Light microscopy test showed that retina structural damage was less severe in α-mangostin group than in light-exposure group(P<0.05). The level of MDA in retinal tissue of α-mangostin group was significantly lower when compared with light-exposure group(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: α-mangostin inhibits lipid peroxidation induced by light damage and protect retina against light damage.
国家重点基础研究发展计划(No.2013CB967500,2011CB510200); 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目(No.81170855); 江苏省临床医学科技专项——重点病种的规范化诊疗研究(No.BL2014089); 江苏省“六大人才高峰”资助项目(No.2013-wsw-015)