目的:探讨原发性开角型青光眼(primary open angle glaucoma,POAG)视盘旁萎缩弧β区的变化和POAG进展之间的关系。
方法:本研究为回顾性病例研究。对POAG 44例66眼进行5a的随访,其基线和5a随访时的所拍摄的眼底照片用于视盘形态学的评估。本研究对前后视盘旁萎缩弧β(β区)的变化和青光眼进展进行判断,并且用计算机软件测量了POAG患者基线和随访时盘沿/视盘面积比、β区/视盘面积比、垂直杯盘比。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the relationship of the change of peripapillary atrophy β zone and progress of optic disc damage in primary open angle glaucoma(POAG).
METHODS: In this retrospective study, 66 eyes of 44 POAG subjects were selceted and made the morphology evaluation of the color fundus photographs(30°)which were taken in baseline and five-year visit. The change of peripapillary atrophy β zone(β zone)and the progress of optic disc damage was detected. The disc rim/disc area ratio, β zone/disc area ratio and vertical cup/disc ratio both baseline was calculated by computer software.
RESULTS:Forty-eighty eyes had β zone in 66 POAG subjects in baseline, β zone of 20 eyes(42%)was expanded, there was no significant difference on age, refractive error, gender, vertical cup/disc ratio, rim/disc area ratio, β zone/disc area ratio of baseline between β zone-developed group and β zone-undeveloped group. After excluded the eyes' refractive error >-3.00D, β zone of 15 eyes(60%)had developed in 25 progressed glaucoma eyes and 4 eyes(21%)had undeveloped in 19 unprogressed glaucoma eyes. There was significantly different(χ2=6.67, P=0.011).
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of β zone development in progressed group is larger than unprogressed group in POAG. To monitor the change of β zone may have some effects in predicting the progress of POAG.