结果:共收治疗儿童瞬目征患儿5 561例,其中男4 025例,女1 536例,男:女约为2.6:1; 年龄2~14(平均6.9±0.6)岁。病因为屈光不正(远视、近视、散光)共2 054例(36.9%); 过敏性结膜炎1 670例(30.0%); 儿童干眼症982例(17.7%); 偏食及挑食患儿605例(10.9%); 铅污染590例(10.6%); 斜视156例(2.8%); 倒睫者129例(2.3%); 微量元素缺乏(钙、铁、锌、镁、铜)者102例(1.8%); 睑板腺囊肿37例(0.7%); 角膜炎及角膜损伤者24例(0.4%); 眼睑皮炎、过敏性鼻炎、皮炎者37例(0.7%); 结膜结石者8例(0.1%); 抽动障碍者30例(0.5%); 视疲劳者6例(0.1%); 泪道阻塞、泪囊炎者9例(0.1%)。异常瞬目的患儿并不是单一种因素所致,每个患儿经检查其病因均为1种或多种综合因素作用的结果。给予每个患儿行耳穴按摩治疗及心理干预治疗,并在查找病因后给予对症处理。随诊观察1~3mo,瞬目症能明显缓解。其中治愈4 560例(81.9%),好转5 286例,好转率(包含治愈)为95.1%; 略有好转(包含复发病例)102例(1.8%); 无明显变化173例(3.1%)。
[Key word]
AIM:To analyze the etiology and effective therapies of abnormal blinking in children.
METHODS:Children with abnormal blinking in our hospital were collected into the study from July 2012 to July 2015. The etiologies and corresponding treatments, according to the result of interrogation and examination of eyes were analyzed and the therapeutic effect was observed.
RESULTS:Totally, 5 561 cases were collected into the study including 4 025 cases of male, 1536 cases of female, and the ratio was 2.6:1; age range was 2~14 years old with average age was(6.9±0.6)years old. Etiologies were as follows:refractive(hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism)2054 cases(36.9%); allergic conjunctivitis 1670 cases(30.0%); children dry eyes 982 cases(17.7%); partial eclipse children with 605 cases(10.9%); lead pollution 590 care(10.6%); strabismus 156 cases(2.8%); trichiasis with 129 cases(2.3%); trace element deficiency(calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and copper)for a total of 102 cases(1.8%); chalazion 37 cases(0.7%); keratitis and corneal injury 24 cases(0.4%), palpebral dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, 37 cases(0.7%); conjunctival stone 8 cases(0.1%); tic disorders of 30 patients(0.5%), asthenopia of 6 cases(0.1%); lacrimal duct obstruction, dacryocystitis 9 cases(0.1%). The etiologies of children with abnormal blinking were not caused by single factors. After examination, its etiology in children was resulted by one kind or more of a combination of factors. All of them were carried out ear acupoint application therapy and psychological intervention therapy, and symptomatic treatment was given after finding the cause. Following all the cases 1~3mo, blinking can obviously relieve,in which 4 560 cases(81.9%)were cured, 5286 cares were improved, the recovery(including cured)was 95.1%; slightly improved(including relapse cases)102 cases(1.8%); No significant changes in 173 cases(3.1%).
CONCLUSION:A variety of causes that can lead to children's abnormal blinking, refractive error, allergic conjunctivitis and children's dry eyes as the main reason. According to different causes to carry on the comprehensive treatments can get better treatment effect.