目的:探究术前光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)对特发性黄斑前膜患者手术后视力预后的评估价值。
结果:术前OCT显示外层视网膜结构不完整的患者术后视力的改善程度好于术前外层视网膜结构完整者,不完整组平均LogMAR BCVA由0.81±0.42变为0.45±0.27; 术前视网膜结构完整者术后视力与术前视力比较没有明显的变化,完整组平均LogMAR BCVA由0.41±0.19变为0.35±0.22; 所有患者术后视力都有一定程度改善,术后平均LogMAR BCVA为0.42±0.14,平均黄斑中心凹厚度(central fovea thickness,CFT)为387.08±108.35μm,经比较,以上项目均具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To explore the value of preoperative OCT on evaluating the visual acuity after operations in patients with idiopathic macular epiretinal membranes(IMEM).
METHODS:Eighty patients(81 eyes)were divided into complete and incomplete group by the conditions of preoperative OCT examination showed retinal layers. All the patients were given vitrectomy and macular membrane peeling, 12wk after operations all patients were examined again. The results were compared.
RESULTS:Preoperative OCT revealed that the improved degree of visual acuity after operations in incomplete group in which the outer retinal structure was not complete was better than that in complete group in which the outer retinal structure was complete before operations. The average LogMAR BCVA of incomplete group improved from 0.81±0.42 to 0.45±0.27. The visual acuity of complete group didn't show significant change after operations. The average LogMAR BCVA of complete group improved from 0.41±0.19 to 0.35±0.22. The visual acuity of all patients after operations were improved to a certain extent. The average postoperative LogMAR BCVA was 0.42±0.14. The average central fovea thickness(CFT)became 387.08±108.35μm. The above projects had significant differences after statistical analysis(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION:Preoperative OCT in patients with IMEM has the value to predict postoperative visual acuity, and has optimistic clinical effect on whether or not to choose the operation.