方法:筛选40例生理性玻璃体混浊的患者,随机分为试验组和对照组,每组各20例,试验组采取YAG激光治疗,术后1、2wk,1、3、6mo复查矫正视力、非接触眼压,术后6mo进行角膜内皮细胞计数、房角光学相干断层扫描(OCT)检查,并完成患者治疗效果满意度调查问卷; 对照组采取口服卵磷脂络合碘治疗,于治疗后1、3、6mo复查矫正视力、非接触眼压,并填写患者治疗效果满意度调查问卷(治疗后6mo)。
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AIM:To observe the clinical effect and complication of YAG laser in the treatment of physiological vitreous opacity.
METHODS:Forty patients of physiological vitreous opacity were chosen and randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group was treated by YAG laser, and they were reviewed postoperative 1wk, 2wk, 1mo, 3mo and 6mo for corrected visual acuity, non-contact intraocular pressure, and corneal endothelial cell count, chamber angle optical coherence tomography(OCT)were done at 6mo after the surgery. Also they were asked to complete patient treatment satisfaction questionnaire. The control group was treated by iodized lecithin, they were reviewed after the treatment of 1mo, 3mo, 6mo for corrected visual acuity and non-contact intraocular pressure, also they were asked to complete patient treatment satisfaction questionnaire.
RESULTS:The corrected visual acuity, non-contact intraocular pressure of the two groups had no significant difference with before. In experimental group. The difference of the corneal endothelial cell count before and after the surgery had no statistically significant. The difference of the upper chamber angle OCT before and after the surgery had statistical significance(after>before). But there was no statistically significant in the differences of lower, nasal and temporal chamber angle OCT. The difference of the two groups patient' treatment satisfaction questionnaire had statistically significant, the experimental group had better effect than the control group.
CONCLUSION:YAG laser can be used in the treatment of physiological vitreous opacity. It is proved to be safe and effective.