随着现代眼科显微手术技术的日趋完善和提高,尤其是微切口白内障摘除手术的推广及在飞秒激光辅助下的白内障摘除手术的兴起,白内障摘除联合人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)植入术逐渐从复明手术走向了屈光手术时代,人们对术后的视觉体验也有了更高的追求。然而手术前后存在的角膜散光一直是影响术后视觉效果的主要因素。近年来,IOL的设计及材料的发展,为散光型人工晶状体(Toric IOL)的临床应用提供了必备的基础条件。Toric IOL的特点主要是有效地矫正了白内障患者术后的角膜散光,从而提高了患者术后的视觉功能。本文就Toric IOL的设计、分类、临床应用进行分析,并对目前所存在的问题与展望进行讨论。
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With the increasing perfection and improvement of microsurgery technique in modern ophthalmology, especially the popularization of micro-incision cataract extraction and the rise of femtosecond-laser-assisted cataract extraction, the cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation is gradually transformed from vision rehabilitation surgery into refractive surgery and people also pursue better postoperative visual experiences. However, the preoperative and postoperative corneal astigmatism is always the main factor affecting the postoperative visual effect. In recent years, the development of design and materials of the intraocular lens(IOL)provided necessary basic conditions for clinical application of the Toric IOL. The Toric IOL is primarily characterized by effective correction of cataract patients' postoperative corneal astigmatism, which results in the enhancement of patients' postoperative visual function. In this paper, the design, classification and clinical application of Toric IOL were analyzed, and current problems and prospect were discussed.