目的:评估圆锥角膜患者配戴Orbiflex K
方法:选取研究对象为2012-11/2013-12在Dr. Lütfi K?rdar Kartal培训和研究医院确诊为圆锥角膜的52例患者80眼。所有患者接受硬性角膜接触镜治疗,术后随访12mo。患者的平均年龄为26.1±6.9岁(范围:15~43岁)。患者依照Amsler-Krumeich分型以及各阶段角膜曲率值进行分组。在配戴角膜接触镜治疗前后进行裸眼视力(UCVA),最佳矫正视力(BCVA),主观验光,角膜形态,角膜曲率,中央角膜厚度和生物显微镜检查。
结果:角膜横轴屈光度(K1)平均值为50.25±4.17D,而角膜纵轴屈光度(K2)平均值为53.82±4.81D。K的平均值为52.03±4.42D。UCVA的平均值为1.31±0.21 LogMAR(Snellen 0.05±0.04),戴眼镜和戴角膜接触镜下BCVA的平均值分别为0.79±0.33 LogMAR(Snellen 0.21±0.17)和0.05±0.08 LogMAR(Snellen 0.91±0.13)。比较角膜接触镜治疗前后的视力结果,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。第1,2,3和4阶段圆锥角膜患者视力提高平均行数分别为5.18±1.38(范围:2~8)行,5.86±1.79(范围:2~8)行, 6.32±2.16(范围:3~9)行和6.92±2.35(范围:3~9)行。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the outcomes of Orbiflex K
®(SwissLens SA, Prilly, Switzerland)contact lenses in the visual rehabilitation of patients with keratoconus at different disease stages.
METHODS: This study included 80 eyes of 52 patients who were admitted to the eye clinic of Dr. Lütfi K?rdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital between Nov. 2012 and Dec. 2013 with a diagnosis of keratoconus. All patients received a rigid contact lens prescription and were followed up for 12 months. The mean age of the patients was 26.1±6.9y(range:15-43y). The patients were grouped according to the Amsler-Krumeich classification and staging using their keratometric values. Uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA), best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA), subjective refraction, corneal topography, keratometry, central corneal thickness measurements, and biomicroscopic examination were performed for all eyes before and after contact lens application.
RESULTS: The mean value of the flat meridian(K1)was 50.25±4.17 diopters(D), whereas the mean value of the vertical meridian(K2)was 53.82±4.81D. The mean K value was 52.03±4.42D. The mean UCVA was 1.31±0.21 logMAR(Snellen 0.05±0.04), and the mean BCVA while wearing spectacles and the contact lens were 0.79±0.33 logMAR(Snellen 0.21±0.17)and 0.05±0.08 logMAR(Snellen 0.91±0.13), respectively. Visual acuities were compared before and after contact lens application, and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.001). The mean line increases for stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 keratoconus groups were 5.18±1.38(range: 2-8), 5.86±1.79(range: 2-8), 6.32±2.16(range: 3-9), and 6.92±2.35(range: 3-9)lines, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Orbiflex K® lens provide significant visual improvement in patients with keratoconus at all stages of the disease.