方法:整群抽取深圳市5所小学学生(6 737名)和3所中学初中学生(1 925名)进行问卷调查,同时进行视力、眼前节、眼底、眼位和屈光状态检查。运用卡方检验分析视力不良的危险因素,并对不同性别和年级的近视率进行比较。
结果:深圳市5~16岁学生视力不良检出率67.0%,其中女性、高度近视家族史,连续看近时间过长和户外活动时间过短为学生视力不良的危险因素。8 662例学生中正视眼、远视眼、散光眼和近视的检出率分别为15.1%、11.3%、11.0%、62.6%。随着年级增长,正视、远视、散光的检出率逐渐减小,近视检出率逐渐增多。其中小学6年级到初中一年级的近视增长无统计学意义,其余每相邻两个年级近视增长均有统计学意义(χ2=7.338~45.018, P<0.05); 男生近视检出率为61.0%,女生的近视检出率为65.5%,且两者有统计学意义(χ2=17.180,P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To study the visual acuity and refractive status of students pupils and middle school students in Shenzhen, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of myopia.
METHODS:A cluster sampling method was used to select five primary school students(6 737)and three junior middle school students(1 925)from Shenzhen. The visual acuity,anterior segment, fundus, eye position, and refractive status were measured. Information on associated factors for poor vision were also obtained using a questionaire. The risk factors of poor vision and the rate of myopia between grade or gender were analysed by Chi-square test.
RESULTS:The rate of poor vision was 67.0%. Female, family history of high myopia, long time of continuous look near, short time of outdoor activities were the main risk factors. The rate of emmetropia, hyperopia, astigmatism and myopia were 15.1%, 11.3%, 11.0% and 62.6% respectively. Emmetropia, hyperopia and astigmatism incidenece rate decreased with age growing, but myopia incidence rate was increased. There were significant differences between adjacent two grades in myopia(χ2=7.338-45.018, P<0.05)except the primary grade six and the junior grade one. There were significant differences between boys(61.0%)and girls(65.5%)in myopia(χ2=17.180, P<0.05).
CONCLUSION:The rate of poor vison is pretty high in students of Shenzhen aged between 5 to 16 years old, and myopia is the main reason. The development rate of myopia is increased with age. Early management of myopia may play an important role in controlling poor vision in students.
深圳市科技创新委员会资助项目(No.JCYJ20130402145545767; No.CXZZ20140418182638764)