方法:选择门诊就诊患者697例697眼,使用IOL Master 500进行眼生物测量。将研究对象按照眼轴长度分为五组:短眼轴组,正常眼轴组,轻、中和重度长眼轴组。使用Pentacam 70900眼前节测量评估系统进行眼前节检查,分析各眼轴长度组前房参数及各组间关系。
结果:短眼轴组:前房容积与年龄呈负相关,前房深度与年龄呈负相关。正常眼轴组:前房容积与年龄呈负相关,与眼轴长度呈正相关; 前房角与年龄呈负相关,与眼轴长度呈正相关,与角膜曲率呈正相关; 前房深度与年龄呈负相关,与眼轴长度呈正相关。轻度长眼轴组:前房容积与年龄呈负相关,与眼轴长度呈正相关,与角膜曲率呈负相关; 前房角与年龄呈负相关,与眼轴长度呈正相关,与角膜曲率呈正相关; 前房深度与年龄呈负相关,与眼轴长度呈正相关。中度长眼轴组:前房容积与年龄呈负相关,前房角与眼轴长度呈正相关,前房深度与眼轴长度呈正相关。重度长眼轴组:前房容积与年龄呈负相关。轻、中及重度长眼轴组间前房容积、前房角、前房深度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其它各组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To research the correlation factor of the anterior segment values of eyes with different axial lengths.
METHODS: In this study, 697 cases 697 eyes were included. According to axial length we divided all the cases into short axial length group, normal axial length group, mild long axial length group, moderate long axial length group and severe long axial length group. The relevant indicators of the anterior segment values of patients in the five groups was comparatively analyzed.
RESULTS: In the short axial length group, the anterior chamber volume(ACV)showed a significantly negative correlation with age; anterior chamber depth(ACD)showed a significantly negative correlation with age. In the normal axial length group, the ACV showed a significantly negative correlation with age and a significantly positive correlation with axial length(AXL); the anterior chamber angle(ACA)showed a significantly negative correlation with age and a significantly positive correlation with AXL, and a significantly positive correlation with corneal curvature; the ACD showed a significantly negative correlation with age and a significantly positive correlation with AXL. In the mild long axial length group, the ACV showed a significantly negative correlation with age and a significantly positive correlation with AXL, and a significantly negative correlation with corneal curvature; the ACA showed a significantly negative correlation with age and a significantly positive correlation with AXL, and a significantly positive correlation with corneal curvature; the ACD showed a significantly negative correlation with age and a significantly positive correlation with AXL. In the moderate long axial length group, the ACV showed a significantly negative correlation with age; the ACA showed a significantly positive correlation with AXL; the ACD showed a significantly positive correlation with AXL. In the severe long axial length group, the ACV showed a significantly negative correlation with age. There were no significant differences on ACV, ACA and ACD among mild long axial length group, moderate long axial length group and severe long axial length group(P>0.05), while the difference between other groups was significant(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: There has a correlation between the anterior chamber values(ACV, ACA, ACD)age and AXL for eyes which AXL were 22-27mm, while the correlation would disappear as the AXL became shorter or longer. There was a significant growth trend of anterior chamber values for eyes with AXL <27mm.