目的: 评价使用立体3D技术作为一种视觉功能训练方法对弱视患儿的治疗效果。
方法: 纳入30名儿童,年龄4~16y, 其中18例是屈光不正性弱视(ametropic amblyopia,AMA),12例是屈光参差性弱视(anisometropic amblyopia,ANA)。双眼使用立体3D技术进行视觉功能训练,每次训练时间1h,每例患者训练约33次(平均: 32±8)。在每次训练前后检查患者每眼的最佳矫正视力,使用同视机检查融合范围和远距离立体视,并使用颜氏随机点立体视图谱检查近距离立体视。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the effect of stereoscopic 3D(S3D)technology as a visual training system in children with amblyopia.
METHODS: Totally 30 children, aged 4-16 years old, 18 with ametropic amblyopia(AMA), and 12 with anisometropic amblyopia(ANA)were recruited in this study. A binocular 3D shutter glasses technology visual training system was used for training trials. Each training time lasted 1h, and the number of training trials totaled 33(mean±SD: 32±8)times on average, per-person. Before and after each training trial, the best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)of each eye, range of fusion by synoptophore, as well as near and distance stereopsis acuity by Yan Shaoming random-dot test and synoptophore respectively was measured.
RESULTS: A significant difference was found pre- and post treatment in BCVA in both kinds of amblyopia studied. Significant improvement was also found in fusion range and stereopsis acuity. The improvement of fusion range and stereopsis recovery could be seen in ANA than in AMA patients. The near stereopsis acuity recovery in ANA group might more easily to regain stereoacuity at near than in AMA group.
CONCLUSION: S3D display vision training systems are indicated for the recovery of stereoacuity in children with amblyopia.
广东省省级科技计划项目(No.2016A020220002); 深圳市科技研发资金项目(No. JCYJ20160428144325551, JCYJ20150402152130697)