结果:婴儿组sIgE阳性率最低(87.1%)。婴儿组sIgE阳性种类数与其他两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.96、21.78,P<0.01); 三组患儿最常见的过敏原均为牛奶、鸡蛋白和户尘螨,其中婴儿组牛奶阳性率高于其他两组,学龄前组户尘螨、屋尘、树木花粉、桑树、狗毛皮屑、鸡蛋白、菠萝和芒果的sIgE阳性率高于其他两组,学龄前组户尘螨、屋尘3~6级sIgE阳性率均高于婴儿组和幼儿组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01); 婴儿组伴发胃肠过敏症的比例最高(28.9%),学龄前组伴发变应性鼻炎的比例最高,幼儿组伴发3种以上变应性疾病的比例高于其他两组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。
结论:过敏性结膜炎随着年龄增长,过敏原阳性率逐渐增高且种类逐渐增多; 婴儿期开始,户尘螨就成为主要的吸入性过敏原; 过敏性结膜炎患儿在不同年龄伴发的变应性疾病符合过敏性疾病的自然病程。
[Key word]
AIM:To investigate the distribution of serum specific IgE in children with allergic conjunctivitis and associated allergic diseases.
METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 708 cases of allergic conjunctivitis in children, according to age divided into the infant group(2 months to 1 years old)232 cases, the children group(>1 years to 3 years old)255 cases and the preschool group(>3 years to 6 years old)221 cases. A automatic in vitro detection system was used to detect serum inhaled allergens and food allergen specific IgE by immune capture method. A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the associated allergic diseases and consultation with relevant departments.
RESULTS: The sIgE positive rate was the lowest in the infant group(87.1%). There were significant differences in the number of sIgE positive species in the infant group compared with those in the other two groups(χ2=10.96, 21.78; P<0.01). The most common allergens in all three groups were milk, egg white and household dust mites, and the positive rate of SIgE in milk was higher in the infant group than in the other two groups. The positive rate of sIgE in dust mites, house dust, tree pollen, mulberry, dog fur, egg white, pineapple and mango were higher in the preschool group than in the other two groups. The positive rate of 3-6 grade sIgE in household dust mites and house dust were higher in preschool group than that in the other two groups(P<0.01). The infant group had the highest proportion of gastrointestinal allergy(28.9%). The preschool group had the highest proportion of allergic rhinitis. The proportion with more than three kinds of allergic diseases in children group was higher than that of the other two groups(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: With the increase of age, the positive rate and types of allergen in children with allergic conjunctivitis increased gradually. House dust mites become the primary inhalation allergen from infancy. Allergic diseases associated with allergic conjunctivitis in children are consistent with allergic march.