乙胺丁醇(ethambutol, EMB)是一种在临床广泛应用的一线抗结核药物,其具有的眼毒性是EMB最重要且严重的并发症。早期的乙胺丁醇相关视神经病变(ethambutol optic neuropathy,EON)是可逆的,延迟的诊断会导致永久性视力丧失。早期检测在EON的治疗中有重要作用。本文就EON的危险因素、早期检测、治疗和预防做一综述。
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Ethambutol(EMB)has been used as first-line antibiotics to treat tuberculosis. Side effects of ethambutol have been well documented since its original use, with the most serious one being optic neuropathy. EMB-induced optic neuropathy(EON)may be reversible in the early stages, but delayed diagnosis has been shown to result in permanent visual loss. Thus the reversibility of EON is dependent on early detection. In this review, we discuss risk factors, detection methods, treatment and prevention of EON.
国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81300774); 上海市自然科学基金资助项目(No.12ZR1424500)