结果:治疗后6mo,3+PRN组BCVA(LogMAR)由0.86±0.22提高到0.41±0.12,CMT由517.4±75.1μm降低到280.1±41.8μm, 1+PRN组BCVA由0.79±0.20提高到0.42±0.14,CMT由472.7±80.7μm降低到271.6±39.6μm,治疗前后各时间点组间BCVA和CMT比较无差异(P>0.05)。3+PRN、1+PRN组平均注药次数分别为3.64±0.66、2.78±0.94次(P>0.05))。多元回归分析中,年龄、病程、基线BCVA、椭圆体带完整性表现出和良好的视力预后有关。
[Key word]
AIM: To compare the difference of short-term efficacy of the intravitreal injection of conbercept(IVC)1+PRN and 3+PRN in the treatment of macular edema(ME)secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion(BRVO).
METHODS:In this prospective, randomized, and comparative study, 40 patients who were diagnosed as ME secondary to BRVO were divided randomly into 3+PRN group(n=22)and 1+PRN group(n=18). Best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA), central macular thickness(CMT)and mean injection times were compared between two groups in 6mo follow-up period. Baseline predictors of visual acuity(VA)were also investigated.
RESULTS: After treatment of 6mo, in the 3+PRN group, the BCVA improved from 0.86±0.22 to 0.41±0.12 and CMT decreased from 517.4±75.1μm to 280.1±41.8μm. The BCVA in the 1+PRN group increased from 0.79±0.20 to 0.42±0.14 and the CMT decreased from 472.7±80.7μm to 271.6±39.6μm. There was no statistically significant difference in BCVA or CMT between two groups at any time point(P>0.05). During the study period, the mean number of injections were 3.64±0.66 and 2.78±0.94 in 1+PRN group and 3+PRN group respectively(P>0.05). In both groups, age, duration, baseline BCVA and integrity of photoreceptor inner and outer segment(IS/OS)were associated with better VA at the 6mo after the first injection.
CONCLUSION: In IVC treatment for ME secondary to BRVO, 1+PRN and 3+PRN dosing regimens are both effective and achieved similar functional outcomes.
云南省科技厅-昆明医科大学应用基础研究联合专项资金项目\〖No.2017FE467(-195)\〗; 云南省医学学科带头人培养计划(No.D2017-010)