结果:术后3mo,SBL-3组患者裸眼中视力优于SN6AD1组\〖0.14(0.04,0.26)vs 0.26(0.12,0.40),P<0.05\〗,客观散射指数\〖2.52(2.35,3.86)vs 1.89(1.39,2.28)\〗和人工晶状体眼伪调节力(2.47±0.88D vs 1.25±0.70D)均显著高于SN6AD1组,MTF-cut/off、SR及模拟对比度视力均显著低于SN6AD1组(P<0.01)。
结论:SBL-3和SN6AD1 MIOL植入术后患者均能够获得较好的主观视觉质量,但OQAS系统能够反映二者产生的客观视觉质量差异。
[Key word]
AIM: To measure the optical quality after implantation of SBL-3 and SN6AD1 multifocal intraocular lens(MIOL)in patients by a double-pass optical quality analysis system(OQAS).
METHODS: Totally 47 cases of age-related cataract who received phacoemulsification and the implantation of MIOL were enrolled from March 2017 to April 2018 in Chengdu Aier Eye Hospital. According to the difference of implanted MIOLs, patients were divided into SBL-3 group(22 patients, 22 eyes)and SN6AD1 group(25 patients, 25 eyes). Three months postoperatively, uncorrected distant visual acuity(UDVA), uncorrected intermediate visual acuity(UIVA), uncorrected near visual acuity(UNVA), corrected distant visual acuity(CDVA), corrected intermediate visual acuity(CIVA), corrected near visual acuity(CNVA), and objective optical quality measured by OQAS were all compared between two groups.
RESULTS: Three months postoperatively, significant difference was found in UIVA \〖0.14(0.04, 0.26)vs 0.26(0.12, 0.40), P<0.05\〗 which was better in SBL-3 group. Moreover, significantly higher values of OSI \〖2.52(2.35, 3.86)vs 1.89(1.39, 2.28)\〗 and pseudophakic accommodation(2.47±0.88D vs 1.25±0.70D)were found in SBL-3 group. Significantly lower values of MTF-cut/off, SR, OV 100%, OV 20% and OV 9% were found in SBL-3 group(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: Both SBL-3 and SN6AD1 MIOL could provide patients with good subjective visual quality, but OQAS could find the differences in visual quality after implantation of different MIOLs objectively.