结果:本研究最终纳入患儿51例51眼,治疗1wk后所有患儿眼部血管瘤均逐渐出现不同程度的颜色变浅或质地变软。治疗后1、3、6mo时,治疗有效率分别为88%、96%、98%,治愈率分别为25%、35%、67%。治疗前伴随眼部功能障碍的患儿,治疗后随着血管瘤体缩小,上睑下垂、眼球运动障碍及眼球突出逐渐改善并在停药时均表现为正常。治疗前,本组患儿检影验光确诊患眼散光者36眼,治疗前血管瘤体积为3254.00(2016.00,7600.00)mm3,停药时缩小至150.00(0.00,378.00)mm3(P<0.001); 治疗前散光度数为2.25(1.00,3.50)D,停药时降低至0.75(0.50,1.44)D(P<0.001)。所有患儿治疗后均未发生严重的不良反应。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of oral propranolol for treatment of vision function-threaten infantile ocular hemangioma.
METHODS: This is a prospective observational study. A total of 54 infants with huge ocular hemangioma were treated with oral propranolol. The changes of tumor appearance, tumor size evaluated by color ultrasound or MRI were examined before treatment, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo and 1a after treatment. In addition, the astigmatism degree of hemangioma eyes were measured with cycloplegic refraction before treatment and at the stage of drug withdrawal, the local and general adverse reactions were recorded during the treatment.
RESULTS: One week after treatment, all of the cases had different degrees of tumor color or texture changes gradually. 1mo, 3mo and 6mo after treatment, the effective rates were 88%, 96% and 98%, the cure rates were 25%, 35% and 67% respectively. The patients with ocular dysfunction such as ptosis, ocular motility disorder or exophthalmos became better gradually during the treatment, and were fully recovered finally as the hemangioma shrinking. At the stage of drug withdrawal, the M(P25, P75)of the hemangioma average volume were 150.00(0.00, 378.00)mm3 which decreased from 3254.00(2016.00, 7600.00)mm3 before treatment; and the M(P25, P75)of astigmatism values were 0.75(0.50, 1.44)D compared with 2.25(1.00, 3.50)D measured pre-treatment. The difference of hemangioma volume and astigmatism values before and after treatment was statistically significant(P<0.001).
CONCLUSION: With the detailed assessment of the general condition of patients, oral propranolol of recommended dosage for treatment of vision function-threaten infantile ocular hemangioma was a safe and effective regimen.