目的:研究Pentacam、OCT、Tomey OA-2000、IOL Master 700及A超角膜测厚仪测量近视患者中央角膜厚度(CCT)的可靠性。
方法:选取2018-03/08青岛眼科医院门诊拟行角膜屈光手术的近视患者56例112眼,分别用Pentacam、OCT、Tomey OA-2000、IOL Master 700及A超角膜测厚仪(NIDEK US-500)测量CCT,取五组测量值的平均值,将五组测量值与平均值进行统计学分析,比较其相关性及一致性。
结果:收集的112眼的CCT测量值为:Pentacam(530.17±25.08)μm、OCT(519.79±26.90)μm、Tomey OA-2000(521.75±26.51)μm、IOL Master 700(519.53±28.15)μm、A超(542.23±26.88)μm,五组测量值的平均值为(526.69±26.08)μm。均方根误差(RMSE)和希尔不等式系数(TIC)结果均显示:Pentacam与Tomey OA-2000与平均值的偏离程度相对较小,即两种方法测量值与平均值最接近,其次为OCT、IOL Master 700、A超。典型相关性分析计算结果:Pentacam、OCT、Tomey OA-2000、IOL Master 700及A超角膜测厚仪的测量值与平均值的相关系数分别为:ρ=0.957、0.950、0.953、0.930、0.949。相关系数结果表明Pentacam、Tomey OA-2000与平均值的相关性最好,其余三种依次为OCT、A超、IOL Master 700。Bland-altman分析结果:五组测量值与平均值一致性均良好,Pentacam及Tomey OA-2000的CCT测量值与平均值的一致性程度最高。
结论:五种仪器中Pentacam与Tomey OA-2000测量CCT的值与平均值最接近,其相关性及一致性最好,二者的测量方式较A超更为客观、安全,可为临床提供更好的参考依据。
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AIM: To study the reliability of Pentacam, OCT, Tomey OA-2000, IOL Master700, and A ultrasound pachymetry in the measurement of central corneal thickness(CCT)in myopic eyes.
METHODS: CCTs of 56 myopic patients(112 eyes)were measured using Pentacam, RTVue OCT, Tomey OA-2000, IOL Master 700, and A ultrasound pachymetry(NIDEK US-500). The difference, correlation, and consistency were statistically analyzed using average values taken from the five devices and the measured values produced by each device.
RESULTS: CCTs of 112 eyes were determined using Pentacam(530.17±25.08)μm, OCT(519.79±26.90)μm, Tomey OA-2000(521.75±26.51)μm, IOL Master 700(519.53±28.15)μm, and A ultrasound pachymetry(542.23±26.88)μm. The average value across all five devices was 526.69±26.08μm. The results of root mean square error(RMSE)and theil inequality coefficient(TIC)showed that the degree of deviation from the average of the values measured using Pentacam was the smallest. The other four devices were, from least deviation to most, Tomey OA-2000, OCT, IOL Master 700, and A ultrasound pachymetry. Typical correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficients between the measured values of Pentacam, OCT, Tomey OA-2000, IOL Master 700, and A ultrasound pachymetry and the average values were ρ=0.957, P=0.950, P=0.953, P=0.930, and ρ=0.949, respectively. The results of correlation coefficient showed that Pentacam and Tomey OA-2000 had the closest correlation with the average value. The other three were, in order of closest to furthest correlation, OCT, A ultrasound pachymetry and IOL master 700. The results also showed that the measurements of Pentacam and Tomey OA-2000 were more reliable, which was consistent with the clinical situation. The results of Bland-Altman analysis showed that the five groups of measurements were closely consistent with the average values, and the CCT measurements of Pentacam and Tomey OA-2000 were the most consistent with the average values.
CONCLUSION: Among the five instruments, Pentacam and Tomey OA-2000 produced results that were closest to the average value in CCT measurement, with the best correlation and consistency. Their measurement methods are more objective and safer than A-scan, so they may provide better reference data for clinical practice.