目的:研究Top-down知觉通路参与儿童视觉传导效率及其特征。方法:选取2020-01/06于我院门诊进行健康查体的儿童志愿者26名,采用儿童自我颜面部特征明显的照片作为Top-down知觉注视点图片,通过图形视觉诱发电位(PVEP)检查记录N75潜时、P100波峰时间、P100波幅及P100复极化时间。结果:不同视知觉加工路径对N75潜时无显著影响,而不同空间频率对N75潜时具有显著影响,高频空间刺激下N75潜时延长。视知觉加工路径与空间频率的交互作用对 P100峰值时间呈现显著影响,Top-down条件下,高频空间刺激时P100波峰值出现时间显著缩短。不同视知觉加工路径和空间频率均对P100波幅影响显著,高频空间刺激下,Top-down知觉途径对P100波幅的影响显著。不同视知觉加工路径和空间频率均对P100波复极化时间影响显著,而加工路径与空间频率的交互作用影响不显著。结论:Top-down知觉途径参与下的儿童视觉过程视觉传导速度得到提高,视觉传导效率提高。
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AIM: To study the visual efficiency and characteristics of Top-down perceptual pathway in children.METHODS: Totally 26 children volunteers in the outpatient department from January to June 2020 were selected. We adopted the photos of children's self-face as the Top-down perceptive fixation point pictures. The N75 time, P100 peak time, P100 amplitude and P100 repolarization time were recorded by graphic visual evoked potential(PVEP)examination.RESULTS: Different visual perception pathway had no significant effect on the latency of N75, while different spatial frequencies have a significant effect on the N75 time. The latency of N75 was prolonged under high frequency spatial stimulation. The interaction between visual perceptual processing path and spatial frequency has a significant effect on the peak time of P100.Under Top-down condition, the peak time of P100 was significantly shortened under high-frequency spatial stimulus. Different visual perception paths and spatial frequencies had significant effects on P100 amplitude, and Top-down perceptual processing and spatial frequencies had significant effects on the time of P100 wave repolarization, while the interaction between processing paths and spatial frequencies had no significant effects.CONCLUSION:Under Top-down visual perceptual, the visual conduction velocity and visual condition efficiency are improved in children's visual process.