目的:研究学龄期儿童初发并确诊为近视时的年龄、屈光分布的特点及其与眼轴、角膜散光的相关性。方法:采用简单随机抽样法选取2020-05/09于我院眼科门诊因视力下降就诊,并第一次诊断为近视的学龄期儿童196例391眼,排除患其它引起视力下降眼病的病例。按年龄分为6~8、9~10、11~12岁三组,按屈光度分为SE≤-1.00D、-1.00<SE≤-2.00D、-2.00<SE≤-3.00D、>-3.00D四组。所有儿童均接受视力、眼压、裂隙灯显微镜、IOL Master、验光及眼底检查并记录结果,分析屈光度、年龄分布及与各屈光参数关系。结果:纳入病例中6~8、9~10、11~12岁年龄组分别有128眼(32.7%)、155眼(39.6%)、108眼(27.6%)。平均年龄9.29±1.64岁。各年龄组间等效球镜(SE)和眼轴(AL)均有差异(P<0.01)。SE≤-1.00D、-1.00<SE≤-2.00D、-2.00<SE≤-3.00D、>-3.00D屈光度组分别有134眼(34.3%)、162眼(41.4%)、74眼(18.9%)、21眼(5.4%)。平均SE为-1.54±0.89D。各屈光度组AL有差异(P<0.01)。SE与AL间呈线性回归关系,回归方程为(^overY)=12.373-0.577X, R2=0.286, β=-0.577, P<0.001。散光度与角膜散光间呈线性回归关系,回归方程为(^overY)=0.084-0.502X, R2=0.389, β=-0.502, P<0.001。结论: 6~12岁的学龄期儿童初次确诊近视性屈光不正的年龄集中在9~10岁,屈光度以低度近视为主。AL增长与年龄、SE相关,儿童散光性屈光不正与角膜散光相关。
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AIM: To study the age distribution and refractive status of school age children with myopia and the correlation with ocular axis, corneal curvature and other biological parameters. METHODS: A total of 391 eyes of 196 school age children who were diagnosed as myopia were collected. Patients with other eye diseases causing vision loss were excluded. The patients were divided into three groups according to age and four groups according to diopter. All patients received visual acuity, intraocular pressure, slit lamp microscope, IOL master, optometry and fundus examination, and the results were recorded. Independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, LSD-t and linear regression were used to analyze the age distribution of diopter and its relationship with refractive parameters.RESULTS: There were 128(32.7%), 155(39.6%)and 108(27.6%)eyes in 6-8, 9-10 and 11-12 age groups. The average age was 9.29±1.64 years old. There were significant differences in SE(P<0.01)and AL(P<0.01)among different age groups. There were 134(34.3%), 162(41.4%), 74(18.9%)and 21(5.4%)eyes in SE ≤ -1.00D, -1.00D<SE≤ -2.00D, -2.00D<SE≤-3.00D and >-3.00D groups. The average SE was -1.54±0.89D. There was significant difference in AL among differences diopter groups(P<0.01). There was a linear relationship between SE and AL. The regression equation is (^overY)=12.373-0.577X, R2=0.286, β=-0.577, P<0.001. And there was a linear relationship between astigmatism and corneal astigmatism. The regression equation is (^overY)=0.084-0.502X, R2=0.389, β=-0.502, P<0.001.CONCLUSION: The age of the first onset of myopic ametropia in children is 9-10 years old, which is mainly low degree myopia. The growth of axial length is related to the increase of age and diopter and astigmatism is related to corneal astigmatism in children.