方法:采用分层随机抽取方式选取2016-07/10海军某舰队参加远航任务舰员373名。通过询问受试者病史、个人基本情况,检查裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、 裂隙灯检查包括:眼睑、睑缘、睑板腺改变、角膜及结膜是否存在眼表损害体征,并行角膜荧光素染色,确定泪膜破裂时间(BUT)。填写眼表疾病分析量表(OSDI)和视疲劳调查表,统计受试者眼部疲劳发生率及严重程度,分析视疲劳发生危险因素。
结果:纳入受试者373名中 63.0%(235名)舰员存在不同程度的视疲劳状况。其中视疲劳发生与性别、年龄及既往角膜屈光手术史无相关性(P>0.05); 存在干眼主观症状及电子屏幕暴露时长是其发生的危险因素(P<0.01)。相关危险因素构建CHAID决策树模型,总体预测准确率为76.9%。
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AIM: To investigate and analyze the status of visual fatigue of naval crew on continuous voyage, explore the risk factors related to visual fatigue, and build a decision tree model for visual fatigue prediction.
METHODS:A total of 373 naval fleet members were selected by stratified random sampling method from July to October 2016. By asking the medical history and basic personal information of the subjects, the naked eye visual acuity, the best corrected visual acuity, slit lamp examination including: eyelid, eyelid margin, meibomian gland changes, cornea and conjunctiva signs of ocular surface damage, and corneal fluorescein staining to determine the tear breakup time(BUT). The Ocular Surface Disease Analysis Scale(OSDI)and ocular fatigue questionnaire were filled in, the incidence and severity of ocular fatigue were counted, and the risk factors of ocular fatigue were analyzed.
RESULTS: Totally 63.0%(235)of the crew members had different degrees of visual fatigue. There was no correlation between asthenopia and gender, age and previous corneal refractive surgery(P>0.05); Dry eyes and exposure time of electronic screen were the risk factors(P<0.01). The overall prediction accuracy was 76.9%.
CONCLUSION: The exposure time of dry eye and electronic screen is the risk factor of visual fatigue in continuous navigation crew.