结果:三焦点组单眼裸眼远视力(UDVA)、裸眼中距离视力(UIVA)、单眼裸眼近视力(UNVA)、最佳矫正远视力(BDVA)、最佳矫正远视下的中距离视力(DIVA)、最佳矫正远视下的近视力(DNVA)均明显优于单焦点组(均P<0.001)。三焦点组在调制传递函数截止频率(MTF cutoff)、客观散射指数(OSI)和斯特尔比值(SR)方面明显优于单焦点组(均P<0.05); 在暗及明适应条件下的18c/d空间频率上,单焦点组对比敏感度明显优于三焦点组(P<0.001)。基于VF/QOF量表分析的调查问卷,三焦点组在日常生活感受评分和脱镜率方面明显优于单焦点组(P<0.05),而眩光发生率二者无差异(P>0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To observe the early visual quality of the tri-focal and the mono-focal intraocular lens(IOLs)implantation in patients with age-related cataract, under comparison and analysis.
METHODS: A retrospective research design. Totally 168 eyes of 119 age-related cataract patients who underwent cataract phacoemulsification combined with tri-focal and mono-focal IOLs implantation surgery in the cataract department from June 2018 to January 2021 were enrolled. In tri-focal and mono-focal group, 61 eyes of 44 cases and 107 eyes of 75 cases. One month after phacoemulsification combined with IOLs implantation, visual acuity, visual quality and contrast sensitivity were inspected. All data were under statistical analysis.
RESULTS: On LogMAR uncorrected distance visual acuity(UDVA),uncorrected intermediate visual acuity(UIVA), uncorrected near visual acuity(UNVA), best corrected distance visual acuity(BDVA), distance corrected intermediate visual acuity(DIVA), distance corrected near visual acuity(DNVA), tri-focal group were extremely better than mono-focal group(all P<0.001). In terms of visual quality, the scores of modulation transfer function(MTF)cut-off frequency, optical scatter index(OSI), Strehl ratio(SR), tri-focal group were significantly higher than mono-focal group(all P<0.05). On 18 cycle/degree(cpd)spatial frequency under dark and light adaptation conditions, contrast sensitivity scores of the mono-focal group was significantly better than those of the tri-focal group(P<0.001). Based on the questionnaire with the VF/QOF scale, the daily life experience scores and off-glass index, the tri-focal group was significantly better than that of the mono-focal group(P<0.05), and incidence of glare was no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Tri-focal IOLs can provide a full range of relatively better vision and visual quality in patients after age-related cataract phacoemulsification combined with IOLs implantation, and perform well under different conditions.