著名生物学家爱德华·威尔逊(Edward O Wilson)在其名作《一致性:知识的统一》(Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge)中提出跨学科整合与协调的必要性。他将融合定义为“知识的‘跳跃式结合',即通过事实的相互关联……创造出一个共同的解释基础。”文章的假设是,与基础生物医学研究需要来源于最新技术的数据几乎一样,整合现有知识同样极其重要。这涉及到解决相互矛盾的发现、减少“信息孤岛”、以及承认复杂的必要性。我们以角膜和晶状体作为我们假设的案例研究。具体来说,在这种视角下,我们讨论蛋白质聚集、氧化损伤和纤维化方面相互矛盾和碎片化的信息。这些研究领域与眼前节研究紧密相关。我们的目的是强调威尔逊的知识融合统一的迫切需要,从而增强严谨性和可重复性,最重要的是,促进对知识的深入理解,而不只是知道。
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In his beautiful book, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, the eminent biologist Edward O Wilson, advocates the need for integration and reconciliation across the sciences. He defines consilience as “literally a ‘jumping together' of knowledge with a linking of facts … to create a common groundwork of explanation”. It is the premise of this paper that as much as basic biomedical research is in need of data generation using the latest available techniques-unifying available knowledge is just as critical. This involves the necessity to resolve contradictory findings, reduce silos, and acknowledge complexity. We take the cornea and the lens as case studies of our premise. Specifically, in this perspective, we discuss the conflicting and fragmented information on protein aggregation, oxidative damage, and fibrosis. These are fields of study that are integrally tied to anterior segment research. Our goal is to highlight the vital need for Wilson's consilience and unity of knowledge which in turn should lead to enhanced rigor and reproducibility, and most importantly, to greater understanding and not simply knowing.