方法:回顾性病例对照研究。收集白内障患者130例(260眼),分为双眼植入Tecnis ZXR00人工晶状体RR组70例(140眼),目标屈光度分别为0--0.25 D(正视眼)和-0.5 D--0.75 D(视近眼),及双眼分别植入Tecnis ZXR00和Tecnis ZMB00人工晶状体RM组60例(120眼),目标屈光度均为0--0.25 D。比较两组患者术后3 mo裸眼远、中、近距离视力、矫正远视力、高阶像差、调制传递函数、离焦曲线、立体视及VF-14问卷调查。
结果:RR组具有更好的双眼中视力,RM组具有更好的双眼近视力(均P<0.05); RM组有更好的MTFs值及更低的高阶像差(均P<0.05)。两组间立体视和VF-14问卷得分差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To compare the clinical outcomes of extended depth-of-focus intraocular lenses(EDOF IOLs)using either micromonovision implantation or mixed implantation of EDOF and diffractive bifocal IOLs.
METHODS: This retrospective clinical trial included 130 patients(260 eyes), who were divided into two groups. Group RR comprised 70 patients(140 eyes)bilaterally implanted with ZXR00 IOLs(Tecnis ZXR00, where one target was -0.5 D to -0.75 D and the other was 0 to -0.25 D). Group RM comprised 60 patients(120 eyes)unilaterally implanted with both ZXR00 and ZMB00 IOLs(Tecnis ZMB00, 0 to -0.25 D). Postoperative outcomes were compared after 3 mo, including visual acuity, defocus curves, stereoacuity, modulation transfer functions(MTFs), higher-order aberrations, and Visual Function-14(VF-14)questionnaire responses.
RESULTS: Group RR had superior bilateral intermediate vision, while the group RM had superior bilateral near vision(both P<0.05). Group RM also exhibited superior MTFs and reduced higher-order aberrations(both P<0.05). Stereoacuity and VF-14 questionnaire results showed no statistically significant difference between groups(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: The implantation of micromonovision has significantly improved near vision. IOLs and their collocation can be customized according to individual patient needs to achieve precise treatment and provide cataract patients with high-quality vision.
吉林省卫生与健康技术创新项目(No.2020J038); 吉林省科技发展计划项目(No.20200801026GH)