方法:以Web of Science核心数据库中的数据为研究对象,以"TS=Preschool children myopia"为检索词,检索2004-01-01/2023-12-31的所有文献。
结果:共纳入171篇文献。中国是发文量最多的国家,在该领域做出了重要贡献。新加坡国立大学和南京医科大学在这项研究中处于前沿。Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science和Ophthalmology是被引频次最高的期刊。高频关键词说明了学龄前儿童近视的现状和未来趋势,我们发现,“患病率”“屈光不正”和“危险因素”可能是未来关注的焦点。
[Key word]
AIM: To identify research articles on myopia in preschool children and explore its current status and development trends based on bibliometric analysis.
METHODS: Data from the Web of Science Core Collection database were analyzed using the search term “TS=Preschool children myopia” to retrieve all relevant publications from January 1, 2004, to December 31, 2023.
RESULTS: A total of 171 articles were included in the analysis. China was identified as the leading country in terms of publication volume, making significant contributions to this field. The National University of Singapore and Nanjing Medical University were recognized as key institutions at the forefront of this research. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science and Ophthalmology emerged as the journals with the highest citation frequencies. High-frequency keywords highlighted the current status and future directions of myopia research in preschool children. Specifically, “prevalence”, “refractive error” and “risk factors” were identified as potential focal points for future investigations.
CONCLUSION: This study provides a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of global literature on myopia in preschool children. It identifies the most frequently cited articles in this field, outlines the global research landscape, and highlights emerging hotspots and trends. These findings offer valuable insights and directions for researchers and practitioners focusing on this area.