方法:检索中国知网(CNKI)数据库、Web of Science(WOS)核心合集数据库以及PubMed数据库自建库至2024-05-20已发表的关于外泌体在眼科中的研究相关文献,并通过CiteSpace 6.3.R1和VOSviewer等软件对发文国家、发文机构、研究作者、高频关键词、爆点关键词及时间线等内容进行可视化分析。
结果:纳入中文文献37篇,英文文献548篇。全球发文量位于前5位的国家分别为美国(130)、中国(80)、韩国(24)、英国(20篇)和日本(19篇),国外前3位发文机构分别为University of California System、Duke University(杜克大学)、Harvard University,国内前3位发文机构分别为青岛大学、暨南大学附属第一医院眼科、北京师范大学体育与运动学院。中英文高频关键词和爆点关键词的分析结果显示,全球外泌体在眼科的研究热点中文高频词主要集中在干眼、细胞外囊泡、间充质干细胞、间充质干细胞来源外泌体、眼表疾病、眼表炎症、生物标志物、视网膜保护、免疫性眼病、葡萄膜炎、退行性眼病、黄斑变性、糖尿病视网膜病变、新生血管、甲状腺相关眼病、青光眼等方面; 英文高频词主要集中在dry eye、dry eye disease、delivery、regenerative medicine、uveal melanoma、protein及transplantation等方面,外泌体在眼科的研究从最初的基础生物学研究,逐步向眼部疾病发病机制的探索以及作为新兴的诊断和治疗手段方向过渡。
结论:近5 a来外泌体在眼科领域的研究迅速开展,外泌体作为新的生物标志物或潜在治疗靶点,在眼科疾病中的发病机制和临床应用前景成为主流研究热点,其在眼科疾病的诊断、治疗和预防将是外泌体未来新的研究方向。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the global research status, hotspots, and trends of exosome studies in ophthalmology, providing a theoretical foundation and constructive references for future research, and promoting in-depth development in this field.
METHODS: Relevant literature on exosomes in ophthalmology published up to May 20, 2024, was retrieved from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), Web of Science Core Collection, and PubMed databases. Visual analyses of publication countries, institutions, authors, high-frequency keywords, burst keywords, and timelines were performed using CiteSpace 6.3.R1 and VOSviewer software.
RESULTS: A total of 37 Chinese articles and 548 English articles were included. The top five countries in terms of publication volume were the United States(130 articles), China(80 articles), South Korea(24 articles), the United Kingdom(20 articles), and Japan(19 articles). The leading foreign institutions were the University of California System, Duke University, and Harvard University, while the top domestic institutions were Qingdao University, the Department of Ophthalmology at the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, and the School of Physical Education and Sports Science at Beijing Normal University. Analysis of Chinese and English high-frequency and burst keywords indicated that global research hotspots on exosomes in ophthalmology primarily focus on dry eye, extracellular vesicles, mesenchymal stem cells and their derived exosomes, ocular surface diseases, ocular surface inflammation, biomarkers, retinal protection, immune eye diseases, uveitis, degenerative eye diseases, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, neovascularization, thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy, and glaucoma, while English high-frequency words mainly were dry eye, dry eye disease, delivery, regenerative medicine, uveal melanoma, protein, and transplantation. Research has evolved from initial basic biological studies to exploring the pathogenesis of ocular diseases and advancing toward novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
CONCLUSION: Over the past 5 a, research on exosomes in ophthalmology has grown rapidly. Exosomes, as novel biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets, have become central to studies on the pathogenesis and clinical applications of ophthalmic diseases. Their roles in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of these diseases represent promising directions for future research.