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AIM:To evaluate the short-term and long-term accommodative efficacy of 1CU accommodating intraocular lens (AIOL). METHODS:This prospective study comprised 26 cases (34 eyes) who underwent phacoemulsification and implantation of 1CU AIOL from 2006 to 2008, and all the cases were investigated for 2 years. The main outcome measures were uncorrected and best-corrected distance and near visual acuity, and amplitude of accommodation with subjective techniques of near point and defocusing. In addition, posterior capsule opacification were assessed.RESULTS: The results of uncorrected, best-corrected distance and near visual acuity, and amplitude of accommodation among 1 and 6 months were good in all cases, and the differences were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Distance and near visual performance worsened after 1-year contrast to 6 months (P<0.05). Amplitude of accommodation with subjective techniques of near point and defocusing were (1.65±0.88)D,(1.78±0.67)D at 6 months, (1.24±0.66)D, (1.15±0.62)D at one year, (0.92±0.44)D, (0.71±0.37)D at two years, respectively, and the difference were statistically significant (P<0.05). Posterior capsule opacifcation were present, respectively, in 29% (10/34) of patients at one year and in 47% (16/34) of patients at two years. CONCLUSION: Patients implanted with 1CU AIOL have good near and distance visual acuity, and amplitude of accommodation during the early term after surgery. But some of them lost their accommodation capacities with time because of the high incidence of posterior capsule opacification. The accommodative lens material and design may have played a role in capsulefibrosis.