方法:对屈光参差患儿38例给予角膜塑形镜进行矫正。戴镜后1d; 1wk; 1,3,6mo; 1,2,3a进行随诊,观察裸眼视力、角膜曲率、眼轴长度、裂隙灯检查有无并发症的发生。
结果:戴镜后1d裸眼视力有大幅提高,在1wk后稳定。个别病例有轻微的结膜炎及点状角膜上皮剥脱,经治疗后均可恢复; 角膜曲率变平,配戴角膜塑形镜前平均角膜曲率为43.42 ±1.17D, 戴镜1wk后,平均角膜曲率为41.65±1.56D,与配戴前比降低,有统计学意义(P<0.01); 戴镜1,3,6mo; 1,2,3a后无明显变化,无统计学意义(P>0.05); 戴镜1,2和3a后眼轴较前增长为0.18±0.13,0.22±0.11和0.25±0.10mm,与戴镜前比无明显统计学意义(P>0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To observe and evaluate the efficacy of wearing orthokeratology lens for anisometropia.
METHODS: Totally 38 patients with anisometropia were fitted with orthokeratology lens. They were followed up 1 day, 1 week; 1 month,3, 6 months; 1 year, 2, 3 years after wearing glasses, and uncorrected visual acuity, corneal curvature, axial length, slit-lamp examination with or without complications were observed.
RESULTS: The uncorrected visual acuity was significantly improved, and it was stable after 1 week. Individual cases with conjunctivitis and punctate epithelial exfoliation could be restored after treatment. Corneal curvature flattened, the average corneal curvature was 43.42±1.17D before wearing glasses, and was 41.65±1.56D one week after wearing glasses, the differences were statistically significant(P<0.01). After wearing glasses for 1 month, 3, 6 months, 1 year, 2 3 years, there were no significant changes. There was no statistically significant difference(P>0.05). After wearing glasses for 1 year, 2, 3 years, the axial length increased by 0.18±0.13, 0.22±0.11, 0.25±0.10mm than before wearing glasses, and there was no statistically significant difference(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Orthokeratology appears to be a preferred treatment for juvenile anisometropia, it can correct anisometropia, achieve the balance between two eyes, and it also can effectively control the development of myopia, thereby reducing the gap the degree of anisometropia.