结果:近视学生456例912眼中,屈光度在-3.00DS以下者有524眼(57.5%),-3.25~-6.00DS有265眼(29.1%),-6.25DS以上有123眼(13.5%); 高度近视与中低度近视眼轴长度平均值之间差异有显著性(P<0.05); 在两个年龄组的不同屈光度组中,角膜垂直径线和水平径线屈折力差异有显著性(P<0.05)。
结论:大学生近视以低度近视为最多,占57.5%,女生近视多于男生,可能与女生青春发育期较男生早有关。中、低度组的学生近视并不是由于眼轴延长所致,可能是各屈光要素的曲率及匹配失调不平衡所致; 在高度近视组中,近视的主要原因是由于眼轴增长的结果。
[Key word]
AIM: To examin college students part of refractive features(corneal curvature, axial length), and understand their impact on college students myopia.
METHODS: In 456 college students(912 eyes)with myopia, cycloplegic retinoscopy optometry was used to measure the refractive error, corneal curvature, and axial length. The data were conducted and analyzed.
RESULTS: In 456 cases(912 eyes)with myopia, diopter of 524 eyes was less then -3.00DS, accounting for 57.5%, -3.25~-6.00DS was in 265 eyes(29.1%)and 123 eyes were more than -6.25DS, accounting for 13.5%. The mean axial length was significantly different between high myopia and low to moderate myopia(P<0.05). In two different diopter groups with different age, corneal diameter vertical lines, and horizontal diameter of curvature were significantly different(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Students with low myopia was for most, accounting for 57.5%. The incidence of myopia in girls was more than that in boys. This situation may be related to female puberty earlier than boys. There is no evidence that myopia in students of moderate or low myopia group is due to axial extension. It probably caused by unbalanced curvature of refraction elements and matching disorders. In the high myopia group, myopia mainly dues to axial myopia growth.