方法:以Gullstrand(1号)模型眼及标准人工晶状体眼部分数据为基础,应用几何光学理论进行数理推导,从无晶状体眼内植入后房型人工晶状体理论值计算入手,总结出个性化角膜数据计算法; 得出无晶状体眼内植入人工晶状体的理论值与角膜前表面曲率半径(r1)、角膜后表面曲率半径(r2)、角膜厚度(T)、眼视轴长(L)、有效人工晶状体位置(ELP)的数理关系。
[Key word]
AIM:To discuss mathematic relationship with academic degree of intraocular lens in aphakia.
METHODS: Based on geometrical optics method, Gullstrand exact model eye(No.1)and standard intraocular lens model eye, academic degree of intraocular lens by the mathematic relationship with corneal anterior curvature radius(r1)were deduced, and corneal posterior curvature radius(r2), corneal thickness(T), ocular visual axis(L)and effective lens position(ELP)in aphakia were analyzed.
RESULTS: The theoretical value of intraocular lens(IOL)was calculated by individual corneal data of numeration that academic degree of intraocular lens in aphakia.
CONCLUSION: Implanted correct IOL in aphakia, all kinds of which with refractive error can be rectified and come to correlation emmetropia.