结果:所有受试者均具有不同程度的立体视,由计算机随机点立体图测得黄斑部位立体视患者14例,黄斑中心凹部位立体视患者26例,眼底周边部位立体视38例; TNO立体视觉检查图分别为11例,24例和43例,黄斑立体视、黄斑中心凹立体视随机点检出率较TNO图高,但是两者差异无统计学意义。使用计算机随机点立体图测得的正常与异常立体视结果为32例、46例,使用TNO立体视检查图测得的正常与异常立体视结果为35例、43例,差异无统计学意义。
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AIM:To compare the inspection result of computerized random-dot stereotest(CRDS)with TNO test and to study the clinical value of CRDS.
METHODS: Seventy-eight patients who received bilateral phacoemulsification from Januray, 2011 to June, 2011 were involved. The operations were performed by the same surgeon. Three months after the operation, CRDS and TNO test were used to evaluate the patients' stereopsis respectively. The inspection results of the two methods were compared.
RESULTS:All patients presented stereoscopic vision. There were 26 patients with foveal stereoacuity, 14 with macular stereoscopic vision and 38 with peripheral stereovision measured with CRDS, while it was 24, 11, 43 measured with TNO test. There were 32 patients with normal stereopsis, 46 patients with abnormal stereopsis and 35 patients with normal stereopsis, 43 patients with abnormal stereopsis respectively measured with CRDS and TNO test. No significant differences were found between the two methods.
CONCLUSION: The inspection result of CRDS has a high coherence with that of TNO test. It suggests that the CRDS is a reliable method for stereoaeuity evaluation in post-operative patients.