目的:评价长眼轴合并角膜散光的白内障患者植入散光矫正型人工晶状体(Toric IOL)的临床效果。
方法:选取我院合并角膜散光的白内障患者64例,分为两组,其中长眼轴患者30例为试验组,正常眼轴患者34例为对照组,行白内障超声乳化联合Toric IOL植入,术后观察各组患者术前最佳矫正远视力、术后裸眼远视力,术前角膜散光、预计残留散光及术后残余散光,人工晶状体的旋转度数等情况。
结果:术后裸眼远视力(LogMAR)在试验组为0.06±0.11,对照组0.03±0.08,均较术前改善(P<0.01),但两组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); 术后残余散光在试验组为0.44±0.09D,对照组为0.41±0.08D,两组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); 试验组的人工晶状体旋转度数(4.43°±1.36°)大于对照组(3.59°±1.1°),差异具有显著统计学意义(P<0.01)。
结论:长眼轴合并角膜散光的白内障患者植入Toric IOL术后人工晶状体旋转度数较正常眼轴者大,但是术后裸眼远视力、残余散光与正常眼轴者相比并无差异。
[Key word]
AIM:To evaluate the clinical outcomes of the Toric intraocular lens(Toric IOL)for correction of corneal astigmatism in cataract patients with prolonged axial length.
MEHTODS:This prospective series case study included 64 eyes in 64 patients with corneal astigmatism and cataract. The experimental group consisted of 30 patients with cataract and prolonged axial length. The control group consisted of 34 patients with cataract and normal axial length. The uncorrected distance visual acuity, best corrected distance visual acuity, preoperative corneal astigmatism, predicted residual astigmatism, residual astigmatism and Toric IOL axis rotation were measured preoperatively and post operatively.
RESULTS:After the operations, the uncorrected distance visual acuity in the experimental group was 0.06±0.11 and in the control group was 0.03±0.08, both were improved compared to those before the operations(P<0.01).But there was no statistically different between the two groups(P>0.05).The residual astigmatism between the two groups(0.44±0.09 vs 0.41±0.08)was no statistically different(P>0.05).The mean IOL axis rotation in experimental group(4.43°±1.36°)was higher than that of the control group(3.59°±1.1°)and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION:Toric IOL rotation is greater in eyes with a prolonged axial length. But there is no differences on uncorrected visual acuity, residual astigmatism, compared with patients with normal axial length.