方法:选取我院2014-09/2015-09进行飞秒LASIK手术近视患者48例96眼,使用OQAS检查,记录患者术前、术后1wk,1、3mo共四个时间点的斯特列尔比(Strehl ratio, SR),调制传递函数截止空间频率(modulation transfer function cutoff frequency, MTF cutoff)、眼内客观散射指数(objective scattering index, OSI)三个指标,并从客观方面分析和评价患者手术前后早期的视觉质量。
结果:术后3mo的MTF截止空间频率优于术前, OSI在术后1wk和1mo均比术前高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但术后3mo恢复至术前水平。利用Pearson 线性相关对SR、OSI与MTF截止空间频率进行相关性分析,发现SR、OSI两者皆与MTF截止空间频率具有显著的相关性(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To evaluate the early comprehensive visual quality of patients with myopia after laser in situ keratomileusis(LASIK), and to explore the application value of double-pass optical quality analysis system(OQAS)in the evaluation of visual quality.
METHODS: A total of 48 cases(96 eyes)with myopia patients were selected our hospital Sep. 2014 to Sep. 2015. All patients of femtosecond LASIK was examined by a dual channel system(OQAS). A total of four time points of Strehl ratio(SR), modulation transfer function cut-off spatial frequency(MTF cutoff), intraocular objective scattering index(OSI)of patients were recorded preoperatively and postoperatively 1wk, 1mo, 3mo. The early visual acuity was analyzed and evaluated before and after operation.
RESULTS: After the 3mo, MTF cutoff spatial frequency is better than preoperative(P<0.05). OSI in postoperative 1wk and 1mo were higher than that in preoperative(P<0.05). But it recovered to the preoperative level at 3mo after the operation. SR, OSI linear correlation and MTF cutoff spatial frequency correlation were analyzed by Pearson linear correlation. They showed that both SR and OSI were significantly related to MTF cutoff spatial frequency(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: The postoperative visual acuity of femtosecond LASIK recover fast. It's effective and safety. MIT cutoff spatial frequency, SR and OSI results can be used as a comprehensive index to evaluate the clinical postoperative visual acuity.