高度近视白内障患者手术中人工晶状体(IOL)屈光度数预测与常规白内障相比其精确度欠佳,如何做到精确的生物学测量和正确使用人工晶状体计算公式尤为重要。本文分析了近年在高度近视白内障手术术后屈光预测偏差大的原因,以及公式中常数的应用和眼轴长度调节方法,对比了使用晶状体屈光度预测计算公式(Holladay 1,SRK/T,Hoffer Q和Haigis)和第四代晶状体公式的术后屈光结果的异同,为临床使用提供一定的参考。
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Intraocular lens(IOL)refractive prediction of cataract surgery in high myopes is more inaccuracy compared to that of the routine cataract surgery. It is particularly important that how to measure biology accurately and choose the correct intraocular lens calculation formula. We summarized and analyzed postoperative refractive prediction deviation, the constants in the formula application and ocular axial length adjusting method in high myopia cataract surgery. In this review, lens diopter prediction standard formula(Holladay 1, SRK / T, Hoffer Q and Haigis)and the fourth generation of lens formula were contrasted, which could provide valuable reference for clinical applications.