目的:评估Bi-Flex toric人工晶状体在合并散光的白内障中的应用。
结果:术后,主观验光散光值从4.05D±1.53D显著降低至1.35D±0.86D,(P<0.05)。屈光轴位置指标J0,从术前的-0.81±2.02D降至 -0.12±0.62D(P<0.05)。裸眼视力和最佳矫正视力术后1mo时均显著改善(P<0.05),分别为0.24±0.19和0.06±0.08。人工晶状体屈光轴旋转程度平均为2.95±5.25度,86.36%的患眼旋转程度小于10度。术前、术后角膜散光计测量值未见显著差异(J0 和J45均有P>0.05)。
结论:对于合并大于2.50D散光的白内障患者,Bi-Flex toric人工晶状体植入是安全有效的治疗方法。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of Bi-Flex toric intraocular lens(T-IOL)(Medicontur, Medical Engineering, Ltd., Inc.)implantation to correct preexisting astigmatism in patients having cataract surgery.
METHODS: This retrospective consecutive study included 22 eyes of 16 patients with more than 2.50 diopters(D)of corneal preexisting astigmatism having cataract. Preoperative and postoperative uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA), best corrected visual acuity(BCVA), objective and subjective refraction and keratometric and topographic cylinder were measured. Postoperative the toric IOL axis was evaluated using vector analysis.
RESULTS: Postoperatively, subjective refractive cylinder was reduced significant(P<0.05)from 4.05±1.53D to 1.35±0.86D. The component J0 reduced in magnitude from -0.81±2.02D to -0.12±0.62D(P<0.05). Both, UCVA and BCVA improved significantly at 1mo after surgery(P<0.05 in both cases). After the surgery, the UCVA and BCVA were 0.24±0.19 and 0.06±0.08, respectively. The mean toric IOL axis rotation was 2.95±5.25 degree, with rotation less than 10 degrees in 86.36% of eyes. No differences in mean keratometric values obtained before and after surgery were found(P >0.05 for J0 and J45).
CONCLUSION: Implantation of the Bi-Flex toric IOL is a safe and effective method to correct the preexisting regular astigmatism(greater than 2.50D).
西班牙经济部资助项目(Grant DPI 2015-71256-R)