结果:本研究纳入患者中乙胺丁醇中毒者5例10眼,酒精中毒者1例1眼,狂犬疫苗中毒者1例2眼。治疗前4例8眼患者行OCT检查示鼻侧与颞侧RNFL厚度已发生明显薄变,末次随访时各象限厚度仍呈下降趋势。至末次随访时,视力提高≥0.1者4眼(31%),提高0.06~<0.1者2眼(15%),提高0.04~<0.06者1眼(8%),提高0.01~<0.04者4眼(31%),视力无提高者2眼(15%); 青盲一号方治疗显效3眼(27%),有效4眼(36%),无效4眼(36%),总有效率为64%。
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AIM: To evaluate effects of Qing Mang Yi Hao in the treatment of toxic optic atrophy.
METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 7 patients(13 eyes)suffered from toxic optic atrophy in Department of Ophthalmology, Dongfang Hospital Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, who were diagnosed as liver stagnation and blood deficiency and treated with Qing Mang Yi Hao formula. The formula treatments patients received were varying from 1 to 12 courses, and the clinical follow-up unequally lasted from 6-24mo. Then the formula clinical efficacy was comprehensively evaluated by comparing their visual acuity, visual field, visual evoked potential(VEP)and retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)thickness before and after treatment.
RESULTS: Seven cases(13 eyes)consisted of 5 ethambutol-induced optic neuropathy cases(10 eyes), 1 alcohol toxic neuropathy case(1 eye)and 1 rabies vaccine toxic neuropathy case(2 eyes). OCT showed the RNFL thicknesses on nasal and temporal quadrants were significantly thin at their first visits and the tendency of decreasing was noticed on each quadrant of RNFL thickness at the last follow-up. However, the visual acuity of 7 cases(13 eyes)had varying improvements: ≥0.1 4 eyes(31%), 0.06-<0.1 2 eyes(15%), 0.04-<0.06 1 eyes(8%), 0.01-<0.04 4 eyes(31%), no improvements 2 eyes(15%). The total efficacy rate of Qing Mang Yi Hao formula was 64%(27% significant).
CONCLUSION: Qing Mang Yi Hao could improve visual function, delay the progressive optic atrophy of TON, thus plays a significant role in optic neuroprotection.